Secondary education and schools

Proverb about greed for children

"Mine!" - the child shouts, and the mother replies guiltily: "Well, he's still small." And she's wrong. Generosity and the ability to share are laid from childhood. A proverb about greed, said in time during an educational conversation, can give a greater result than a long notation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Taiga cities: the largest and most beautiful

Taiga is the largest natural area in the world, "the lungs of planet Earth". It is here that forests grow, saturating the atmosphere with oxygen. There are cities in the taiga, which we will consider in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Technologies of project-based learning at school

Project-based learning technology allows the teacher to make learning a creative and exciting process. Children become active participants in all classroom and school affairs. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Function of leukoplasts. Features of the structure of leukoplasts

One of the distinguishing features of representatives of the plant kingdom is the presence in their cells of special structures - plastids. These include chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leukoplasts, the structure and functions of which will be discussed in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Note is Definition and Scope

Oddly enough, but most people who are proficient in office computer programs, in particular Microsoft Word, do not perfectly know some of its elements. For example, about the function "Correction" and "Replacement". However, these tools will be ignored in this article, and we will focus on the "Note" option in "Word". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Republic of Slovenia: capital, population, currency, language

The Republic of Slovenia is a small, cozy state located in the outskirts of Europe. In a small area, the proud Alps, the Adriatic Sea, dense forests and deep lakes peacefully coexist. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The meaning of the Indian sign "Om"

The sound "Om" is the first sound in the universe that came directly from the Creator, and in all religious and spiritual traditions it is given great importance. He is the embodiment of absolute truth. We can say that this symbol means in general the energy that controls the processes of creation, development and decay of the universe. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

On one side of the brain - how to understand this? Brains on one side - idiom. What does the expression mean?

Of course, the expression "on one side of your brain" is a little outdated by today, but sometimes some people may still be interested in its meaning. It is for them (as well as for everyone else) that we will reveal the meaning of the phraseologism "brains on one side". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The composition of ribosomes includes The structure, functions of ribosomes

Have you heard of cellular intelligence? This rather bold scientific hypothesis states that the organization of the elementary unit of life - the cell - is subject to intelligent logical programs. They are similar to the control of the human body by the most complex organ - the brain. All cell organelles not only have a filigree, logically explicable structure, but are also capable of performing unique tasks. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Chargaff's rule. Genome properties according to Chargaff's rules

Today, hardly anyone will be surprised by such concepts as heredity, genome, DNA, nucleotides. Everyone knows about the double helix of DNA and that it is she who is responsible for the formation of all the signs of an organism. But not everyone knows about the principles of its structure and subordination to the basic rules of Chargaff. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Methods of movement of animals. Lesson materials

Of all classes of animals - higher and primitive - many species use different (sometimes quite original) methods of movement on water, under water, in the air and on surfaces. Ways of movement of animals depend on many factors: formation in the process of evolutionary development, the presence or absence of a skeleton, and other structural features of a particular species. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vacuole: the structure and functions of organelles in plant and animal cells

One of the permanent structures of plant and animal cells are vacuoles. However, the difference in their structure and functions in these groups of living organisms is quite significant. What is a vacuole, the structure and functions of this structure will be discussed in detail in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. This city is rich in historical and architectural sights, a variety of cultural sites, art galleries and museums, as well as a variety of opportunities to just relax in the evening (pubs, bars, restaurants, clubs). Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Non-membrane organelles: structure and functions

Organoids are permanent formations in the cell, each of which performs certain functions. In cytology, membrane and non-membrane organelles are distinguished. The latter include ribosomes, cell center (centriole), microtubules and microfilaments. Their structure, functions and formation process are described in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Angiosperms: examples. flowering plants

What are angiosperms? Examples, classification, structural features and economic importance. Variety of species. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Grain: structure, structure and chemical composition

Wheat grain is an important product from which flour is made. Wheat seed contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are important for the human body. Knowledge of the structure of wheat grain will help to grow a good crop in the future. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The structure of the seed. The external and internal structure of the seed

Even in school in the course of botany (grade 6), the structure of the seed was a fairly simple and memorable topic. In fact, this generative organ of the plant arose as a result of a long evolutionary process and has a complex and unique structure. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Structure of a bean seed (figure)

In the plant world, two forms of reproduction can be distinguished: asexual and sexual. The first type includes such methods of transmitting hereditary information as direct cell division, vegetative - with the help of a group of somatic cells - and reproduction by specialized haploid cells - spores. The second, more advanced form is sexual reproduction, leading to the formation of seeds. It is found in the life cycle of gymnosperms and flowering plants, also called angiosperms. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Physiology of the human heart

The physiology of the heart is quite complex. To ensure the smooth contraction of the heart muscle, a lot of automated work takes place in the human body. Not everyone knows how the myocardium actually functions. Let's figure it out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Which equation has no roots? Equation Examples

Equations that do not have roots stand apart when solving mathematical problems. It is very useful to know in advance when an example has no solutions. This allows you to speed up the solution process and limit the range of acceptable values. So, when does an equation have no solutions?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How does the boiling point of water change with pressure

Boiling water is a rather unusual process that directly depends on pressure. Why and how does the temperature change when water boils depending on pressure? Let's try to figure it out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What determines the rate of evaporation of a liquid? Factors affecting this process

In order to answer the question of what determines the rate of evaporation of a liquid, it is necessary to understand the very physics of the process. Evaporation is the process of phase transition of a substance from a liquid state of aggregation to a gaseous state. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The largest islands and peninsulas of Asia: Arabian Peninsula, Indochina, Kalimantan

Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of area and population. This is the territory of the highest mountains and the longest rivers, deserts and impenetrable jungles, small villages and multimillion megacities. In many respects, it is a champion, but in this article we will talk about the islands and peninsulas of Asia. Which of them are the largest? Why are they interesting?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Geography of the Russian Federation. Republics and their capitals within Russia

The article tells about the number of republics that are part of the Russian Federation. In addition, brief historical information about each republic is given, its capital and the population of each region are called. Particular attention is paid to the geographical position of the autonomies. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Generalized personal sentence - features of construction and use

Generalized personal sentence, one-part and two-part, characteristic features of the construction, place and role in the composition of the style of the Russian language, rules of use. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Sentence with homogeneous subjects: rules, examples

One sentence can have several subjects or predicates. What punctuation marks should be in such cases? Sentence with homogeneous subjects - the topic of the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Definition and characteristics of pyramids. Properties of regular pyramids

Pyramid together with a prism is a perfect polyhedron in three-dimensional space, their geometric characteristics are studied in high school. In this article, we will consider what pyramids are, what elements they consist of, and also briefly characterize the correct pyramids. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are pack animals?

Where the latest technologies and modern machines are powerless, pack animals still pass, like many centuries ago. People use them to transport goods, move to them themselves. They confidently pass through the enveloping desert sands and dangerous mountain paths, without the need for oil control, tank replenishment and constant technical inspection. These patient workers will be discussed. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Left and right tributaries of the Amur. List of tributaries of the Amur

Amur is a great river flowing in the Far East. Songs are composed about her, writers praise her. Amur originates from the confluence of two small rivers called Shilka and Argun. But as its long descent to the Sea of Okhotsk, which lasts 2824 kilometers, it receives the waters of thousands of rivers. What are they, tributaries of the Amur? How many are there and where do they originate?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Characteristics of Volga Svyatoslavovich: description of the hero

Characteristics of Volga Svyatoslavovich from the epic of the same name is usually compiled by students in the lesson of Russian literature in the seventh grade. This hero has many positive qualities, and therefore it will not be difficult to describe him. Let's try to make it more. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Characteristics of Mikula Selyaninovich from the epic "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich"

Characteristics of Mikula Selyaninovich studied in the literature program in the seventh grade. It was during this period that the guys get acquainted with the epic genre. Learn more about this hero below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

"Not" with nouns: examples and rule

The course of morphology is studied throughout the school curriculum. Remembering all the subtleties is sometimes not possible. In this article, we will remember how to write "not" with nouns. Let's look at examples and rules in detail. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Famous look quotes

The eyes of a person at all times were credited with special power and significance, considering them the cause or consequence of some events, a manifestation of intentions or character. Quotes about the look are very popular in today's society. They are often used as congratulations or compliments. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Educational areas according to GEF preschool education

Pre-school education is the first and, perhaps, one of the most important stages of the educational system. It is difficult to overestimate its importance, because the main task of preschool education is the harmonious all-round development of the child and the creation of a fundamental basis for his further education and personal development. Actually, therefore, this level of education deserves special attention and proper organization of the educational process. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the section of a cone? How to find the area of the axial section of a cone

One of the figures that occurs when solving geometric problems in space is a cone. It, unlike polyhedra, belongs to the class of figures of rotation. Let's consider in the article what is meant by it in geometry, and explore the characteristics of various sections of the cone. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Rostov: population, numbers, growth rates and employment. Rostov-on-Don: population of the city, number and composition

One of the largest cities in the Russian Federation is Rostov. The population of Rostov-on-Don, like any other regional center, is distinguished by its own characteristics. In this article, we will analyze in more detail not only the city itself, but also its history of creation, the unemployment rate and the most sought-after professions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Environmental situation, or How people affect the river

All settlements have a central water supply, which is carried out thanks to rivers. Their importance should not be underestimated. After all, water is the most important element for all life on the planet. And how many people wonder how people influence the river, the resources of which are used in full? Let's try to answer it. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Nature of North America. Features of the nature of North America

The nature of North America is so diverse, because the mainland is located in all climatic zones, except for the equatorial one. In winter, the weather is significantly dependent on solar radiation, and in summer - on the influence of the oceans. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Where is the country of Jamaica? detailed information

This article is written for those who, having heard about the place where summer lives forever, are still asking the following question: “Is Jamaica a city or a country?” This is an amazing state, which is located on the other side of the Earth, attracting a large number of tourists. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Does baking soda dissolve in water? Properties and uses of soda

Does baking soda dissolve in water? Formula and properties of soda. Its use in everyday life, recipes for beauty and he alth. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01