Colleges and universities

Tourism universities. Russian universities with a speci alty "Tourism"

A specialist or a tourism manager is a profession that brings not only income, but also pleasure. People working in this position work in travel agencies and are engaged in advising clients, offering excursion programs and tours. Thanks to the speci alty received at the Faculty of Tourism, people learn a lot about the world, about interesting corners on our planet, about cultural and natural attractions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete

The ascent from the concrete to the abstract and from the abstract to the concrete are two steps of one method of scientific knowledge. The first approach is a tool for focusing on the essential features of an object for the sake of formulating ideas, the second is useful for returning ideas to reality. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The concept and types of social responsibility

A person cannot exist outside of society. This axiom is known to all people from early childhood. Without society, it would be impossible to implement such a complex political and economic system as the state. But for the opportunity to use public goods, a person is forced to pay. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Economic part of the diploma (example)

Showing the economic effect in the thesis is the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice. To show how to get real benefit from this knowledge means that the acquired knowledge is worth something. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Economic colleges of Moscow

In the education system in the economic sphere, the quality of secondary vocational education is very important. The capital of the Russian Federation is no exception. This article describes some of the main economic colleges in Moscow. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Combustion product: classification, types, description

The moment when people learned to use fire for their own purposes, was undoubtedly a turning point in the development of all mankind. Some of its most important products - heat and light - were used (and are still used) by man in cooking, lighting and warming in cold weather. And some products can cause irreparable harm. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Agrarian University (Volgograd): faculties and reviews

For more than 70 years, the State Agrarian University in Volgograd has been operating on the market of educational services. This educational institution has brought up more than one generation of qualified specialists for the agricultural sector. The university continues to do this today. A wide range of areas, the availability of bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies - all this is Volgograd Agrarian University. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Social progress: concept, forms, examples

Humanity does not stand still, but is constantly growing in all areas. The life of society is getting better with the development of technology, mechanical engineering and processing of valuable resources. The inconsistency of social progress lies in the philosophical assessment of human actions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Modern organizational forms of learning

Theory and practice of teacher education includes many different forms. The emergence, development and extinction of individual forms is associated with new requirements that arise in society. Each of the stages leaves its mark, due to which it influences the development of the next one. Modern didactics includes compulsory, optional, home, classroom forms of education, divided into frontal, group and individual lessons. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Role systems and their varieties

Role systems are a set of rules that are specific to a particular subject. But this is a rather conditional definition, there are always special cases. Especially when you consider that there are really many areas of use of this term. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Basic provisions submitted for the defense of a diploma or dissertation

At the defense, the applicant presents his work, completed over a long time. There is always enough time for a report, but it is better to focus on seven minutes. In reality, you will definitely get at least thirteen. It makes no sense to "lull" the vigilance of the commission with an hour-long lecture on the merits of the work done - this is an unpromising idea. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Spatial structure of a population: concept, types, examples

The ecological term "population" means a fairly large group of individuals of the same species living in a certain area and interacting with each other. It is characterized by an ordered system of existence - the structure of a population of a spatial type. Consider all its features. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Road Construction College (Gomel): reviews

The Road Construction College has been operating in Gomel since the middle of the 20th century, which annually accepts hundreds of applicants, not only Belarusians, but also foreigners "under guardianship". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

MGU, Faculty of Education: address, passing score, departments

Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State University: history, teachers, departments, main areas of training, the relevance of the proposed speci alties, information for applicants, contact information. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Secondary technical education - what is it?

The article provides interesting information for applicants in grades 9 and 11, as well as for those who decide to get a secondary technical education. The main technical profiles (speci alties) existing in Russia are listed. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Do I need a higher education for a happy life?

For many, getting a higher education is non-negotiable. It is an obligatory part of human life, and a person without it is doomed to low-paid work and a difficult fate. But is it really so?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Definition, functions and features of the family

Today it is important to promote and strengthen family values in every possible way so that any country and all its territorial units serve as a positive example of the formation and further development of the family as a socio-economic unit of society. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Alcalde is Term differentiation and modern usage

The word is of Arabic origin al-qāḍī - "judge". The Alcalde is the administrative and judicial head of a town or village in Spain or in areas under the control or influence of the country. The title was applied to local government officials whose functions varied but always included a judicial element. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Lead ore: types, deposits and applications

Lead ore has a rather complex structure. It is subjected to processing for a long time and after melting polymetallic ores, lead is obtained. Judging by archaeological research, this metal has been known since ancient times. The oldest find was found in a 6,000-year-old burial. The shape of the artifact is a wand, its handle was wooden, but had a lead tip. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Current assets - what is it?

Current assets include those that are periodically renewed by a certain business entity. They are necessary for the latter for implementation and normal functioning. For a certain period of time, usually one year is taken, they go through one or more cycles. Compared to fixed assets, they are characterized by an increased turnover rate. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Verbal teaching methods: types, classification, characteristics

Since speech is what distinguishes humanity from the diverse forms of life represented on earth, it is natural to transfer experience from older generations to younger ones through communication. And such communication implies interaction with the help of words. From this, it is quite justified that a rich practice of using verbal teaching methods arises. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Security policy - what is it?

In our world, in essence, an information and technological race has unfolded. There are many different aspects and situations that require a certain response. To unify the response and prepare for challenges, a security policy is developed. Depending on the scope of application, it can be informational, national, industrial, state and economic. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Recipients - who are they? Can a recipient be not only a person, but also a region or a country?

Recipients are, in a word, interlocutors. If we imagine the process of communication on a global scale, then the country can take on the role of an opponent or its region. At the same time, we are no longer talking about the process of communication, but about interaction, which has its own psychological patterns. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The concept of crime, types and general characteristics

Crime is an extremely negative manifestation of human nature. Experts in different fields have their own vision of its prevalence in society: someone believes that the number of criminals is increasing against the backdrop of poverty, someone thinks the opposite. What is the truth?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kazan Technological College KNRTU

Roughly since 1980, colleges have been actively created in Russia. They provide students with secondary vocational education. Among these institutions, many are directly linked to universities. This provides many opportunities for further education. Kazan Technological College is among such educational institutions, as it is a division of the Technical University. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ryazan Polytechnic College: history, speci alties, address

Initially, the educational institution had a different name - vocational school No. 39. It opened on 04/01/1986, and the main specialization of the institution at that time was avionics avionics. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Applicant's Handbook. Colleges in Almaty

The city of Almaty proudly bears the title of a scientific center. There are many research institutions, academies and institutes here. It is also worth noting the colleges of Almaty. After the 9th grade, everyone who wants to get a demanded speci alty continues their education in these educational institutions, of which there are about 100 in the city. Many of them combine the use of advanced information technologies and the national peculiarity of this state. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Nazarbayev University in Astana

Nazarbayev University in Astana is a young, but already established, elite institution of higher education. The article will be useful to those who want to learn more about its history or enter this university. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Universities of Kazakhstan: ranking of the best

As in many countries, universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan occupy an important place in the structure of education. The best teaching staff is concentrated in the higher educational institutions of the country, and important scientific work is being carried out. Below is the ranking of the leading universities of a young, dynamically developing state. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Procedural action in criminal proceedings

Procedural action - this is the name of a whole range of measures permitted for production within the framework of criminal and civil law. The boundaries of the legality of these actions lie within the framework of the Civil or Criminal Code of a particular country. All activities leading to the preparation of a case for trial may fall under the definition of "procedural action". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Radiation safety - what is it?

What is radiation safety? We will analyze training opportunities, as well as consider the legislative framework relating to this issue. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Workspace: concept, requirements and features

Now they don't say "organization of the workplace". Experts in this field are trying to bring to the minds of managers and employees an important truth - the productivity of the individual is closely related to his environment. For this reason, a new concept is in vogue these days: "organization of the workspace." This is not a tribute to lofty terms, but an expression of serious changes in the design of modern premises for various types of activities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The role of the leader in the organization

According to established traditions, at the center of each company is a top manager, and the role of the leader is extremely important, since it is he who must organize the business and promote it in every possible way. In this capacity, general directors or presidents, heads of large holdings and corporations act. Sometimes a company is managed by a whole group of top managers, and the role of the leader is distributed among them according to their powers. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The best universities in Canada

Canada's universities are known for their high quality education. All university students quickly find a job after graduation. In the ranking of higher education institutions in the world, 3 Canadian universities entered the list of the best 50: McGill, the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Czech universities: list, admission conditions

The state universities of the Czech Republic are very respected in Europe, because in them students receive a very high quality education. Some universities of the Czech Republic will be discussed in detail in this article, with a diverse focus: these are technical, and humanitarian, and economic, and medical educational institutions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Czech Technical University in Prague: faculties, famous alumni

"Study, study and study again" is very useful, but not cheap. Especially if you want to get a quality education abroad. The remnants of the Soviet mentality do not allow one to believe in the possibility of becoming a student of a European university. You shouldn't give in to them. If you correctly calculate your strength, there is a chance to get a higher education abroad. And not much more expensive than at home. Let's consider this possibility with regards to the Czech Technical University in Prague. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Methods, ways and types of legal regulation

Legal regulation is an important aspect of public relations. Regulation of relations, their stabilization and regulation do not allow abuse of authority and stop the violation of rights and obligations. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Signs of bankruptcy of a legal entity

Among the main signs of bankruptcy of an individual is debt on debt obligations of more than five hundred thousand rubles, which is held for three months. For a legal entity, this amount is more than three hundred thousand rubles. Monopoly enterprises fall under the bankruptcy procedure with a debt of one million rubles. The signs of bankruptcy of an individual entrepreneur are the same as those of an individual - five hundred thousand rubles, which he is not able to pay for more than three months. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Capacity of citizens: concept, types and limitation

In many ways, the distribution of the types of legal capacity of citizens - full or limited - depends on age. If we take as a basis that full comes when a person reaches the age of 18, then before this period, in most cases, it is considered limited or partial. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Where to go to study in Crimea: Universities of Simferopol

Simferopol is the scientific center of the Crimean peninsula. Several major universities are located here, where thousands of young Crimeans, Russians and foreigners enter every year. In this article we will describe the main higher educational institutions of the Crimean capital, which are waiting for new applicants. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01