Secondary education and schools

Dicotyledonous weeds: varieties and features

Dicotyledonous weed is the scourge of field growers, gardeners and gardeners. It is not planted, but it grows. They fight him with all available means, but he survives. So what to do with it? Let's figure it out. We will talk about what dicotyledonous weeds are and how to deal with them. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Text structure: how to create it and make the text easy to read. Logical and semantic structure of the text

Many millions of texts are born every day. There are so many virtual pages that it is unlikely that they are subject to accounting. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What gives reading books? List of books everyone should read

Many people ask the question: "Why should I read books?". Indeed, in the age of digital technology, this process becomes something outdated. "In life, everything is different than in books," most say. But in fact, reading is a necessity for every person who wants to get a comprehensive development. So what's the point of reading books?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Comme il faut - what is it? The meaning of the word and its history

As soon as the Russian language was formed, it began the process of borrowing words from other dialects. As a rule, such words denoted some phenomenon or an object unknown to Russians, the name of which could not be found in native speech. In the article we will talk about one of these borrowings, and specifically - about the meaning of the word "comme il faut". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pressure versus height: barometric formula

Many people know that as altitude increases, air pressure decreases. Consider the question of why air pressure decreases with height, give the formula for the dependence of pressure on height, and also consider an example of solving the problem using the resulting formula. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pascal's law: formula, formulation and application

The famous French philosopher, mathematician and physicist of the 17th century Blaise Pascal made an important contribution to the development of modern science. One of his main achievements was the formulation of the so-called Pascal's law, which is associated with the property of fluid substances and the pressure created by them. Let's take a closer look at this law. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Interaction with parents: pedagogical tasks

Interaction with parents is an important element of any class teacher's work. Modern trends in the development of domestic education are associated with a certain criterion - its quality. It directly depends on the professionalism of educators, teachers, as well as on the culture of parents. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Types of surveys: advantages and disadvantages of various survey methods

Polls have become part of our daily lives. What types of surveys are most effective? How is the survey used in business, school, medicine? We'll figure out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Glitch - what is it, who is it and how it happens?

In everyday conversations you can often hear: “it was a glitch”, “buggy”, “catch glitches”. The word has different meanings, it all depends on the scope of use. Let's figure out what a glitch is. From the article, we learn that a glitch is a composer, a computer program failure, a term in role-playing games, and the visions of a drug addict. Consider the types of hallucinations and their causes. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a title? Secrets of effective title

Any beginner writer knows what a headline is. This is the most important part of the text. As a rule, only 20 percent of potential readers will read even the best text. But with the help of an effective title, you can significantly increase the conversion of the site. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Assignation - what is it?

A banknote is a paper currency. The first paper money appeared in the 18th century. Their introduction in almost all cases led to uncontrolled inflation. State governments resorted to the simplest way to find new funds - they turned on the printing press. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kilogram and other measures of mass

Since ancient times, people have been faced with the problem of accurately determining weight. The first scales were created by street vendors. The development of international trade contributed to the creation of an international system of measures of mass. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Yaselda River - description and characteristics

The Yaselda River (description can be read below) flows in the Brest region in the south-west of Belarus, is a left tributary of the Pripyat. It flows through the Dnieper-Bug Canal in the city of Pinsk, connecting with the Mukhavets River. It has two reservoirs. Basically, wetlands prevail here, in some places you can observe steep banks that frame the Yaselda River. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Estuary - what is it? Short course of the school curriculum

An estuary is a funnel-shaped mouth of a river with one branch, expanding closer to the sea. When sediment - earth and sand brought by wind or water - is removed either by sea currents or tides, and the part of the sea adjacent to the place is deeper, an estuary is formed. Yenisei, Don and many other rivers have a mouth in the form of an estuary. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

A mushroom is an animal or a plant?

These creatures of nature are familiar to us since childhood. Everyone knows about the role of mushrooms in human nutrition, in the production of certain food products (for example, kefir, bread, cheeses, wine), in the creation of antibiotic drugs. But many people will probably find it difficult to answer the question “A mushroom is a plant or an animal, a fruit or a vegetable” correctly. But if the science of botany itself decided on this issue not so long ago, then what can we say about ordinary citizens?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Order Diptera: general characteristics, representatives, reproduction

And in the tundra, and in the desert, and in any other corner of the earth, insects of the Diptera order are widespread. Representatives of this family have been known to the world since the Jurassic period. Annoying flies, biting mosquitoes are probably familiar to every person firsthand. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hymenoptera insect: description, species, main representatives and structure

Insects can be found everywhere - in the urban stone jungle, in the meadow, in the forest, tundra, desert, and even where there is eternal snow and cold. Sometimes we do not notice how beautiful the world around us is. Millions of different living organisms live on the globe. In this article, we will analyze in detail what a hymenopteran insect is. Consider all subspecies and their features. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Interesting facts about New Zealand: discovery history, climate, description

A selection of interesting facts about New Zealand will tell about some events from the history of this country located in the Southern Hemisphere, about geography, climate, inhabitants, entertaining and amazing incidents, as well as nature and animals. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Mountains in Afghanistan: name, height, photo

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is an ancient state located in the southwest of Central Asia, the modern name of which was given in the 19th century. In Afghanistan, mountains occupy most of the territory and include high ridges and valleys located between them. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

African countries are mysterious and interesting

Africa is considered to be a fairly large continent, the second after Eurasia. It is located in the Eastern Hemisphere and occupies one fifth of the land area of the entire earth. African countries, of which more than fifty, small and large, are located on the territory of this continent, until recently were part of European countries, as their colonies. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Interesting math tasks: games and tasks with answers for schoolchildren

Parents and kindergarten teachers often use interesting math assignments. For preschoolers, this is considered the norm, while school textbooks offer long series of monotonous examples and complex tasks. That is why most students find mathematics a boring subject. To maintain motivation, teachers are recommended to include elements of entertainment in their usual lessons. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

For children about professions: games, stories, developing tasks

Kids start asking their parents pretty early why they go to work every morning and what they do there. Kids reproduce the mysterious world of adults in their games, repairing cars with toy tools or giving injections to teddy bears. This interest must be used in order to tell the child about the profession. For children, acquaintance with various branches of labor activity should take place in a playful way, because otherwise they simply will not be able to perceive the information. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Didactic goal of the lesson: classification, characteristics, features of the conduct, lesson structure and tasks

To plan an interesting, informative lesson, the teacher needs to set clear goals. Moreover, they should be real for students of a particular class. Based on them, the material is selected, the most appropriate methods, means. Thus, the didactic goal of the lesson becomes the starting point for organizing the lesson and the result that should be obtained at the end. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to learn the multiplication table in a dream in 5 minutes? Is it possible to learn the multiplication table in a dream?

Every child has to cram the multiplication table. And often it becomes a test for the whole family. On the one hand, children of primary school age have a well-developed mechanical memory, they are able to memorize long verses and texts. On the other hand, memorizing 100 examples is a boring task, and students try to avoid it in every possible way. Are there magical methods? For example, how to learn the multiplication table in a dream in 5 minutes?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Quiz about space: interesting and informative questions with answers

Starry distances fascinate children. Many boys and girls dream of space travel. This interest can be used to expand the horizons of the younger generation, to systematize knowledge about astronomy. The use of game teaching methods, which include quizzes about space, helps to increase motivation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Visibility is Visual aids. Visibility in teaching

It has already been proven that a person remembers only 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees. But if vision and hearing are simultaneously involved in the perception of new information, the material is assimilated by 50%. Educators have known this for a long time. The first visual aids were created even before our era and were used in the schools of Ancient Egypt, China, Rome, Greece. In today's world, they do not lose their significance. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

From whom monkeys originated: basic theories, interesting facts

We used to look at chimpanzees and funny monkeys as our distant ancestors. Adherents of the theory of evolution claim that once they climbed down from the trees, picked up sticks and began to turn into intelligent beings. But where did the monkeys come from? Who stood at the origins of this branch of evolution? And was she? Let's try to figure it out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Technical creativity is an activity of students. Methods and ways of development

Every child is a potential inventor. The desire to explore the world around us is genetically embedded in us. Breaking another toy, the baby tries to understand how it works, why the wheels are spinning and the lights are flashing. Properly organized technical creativity of children allows you to satisfy this curiosity and include the younger generation in useful practical activities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pythagoras is a philosopher and mathematician of Ancient Greece. Biography, dates of birth and death, the history of the famous theorem, interesting facts from the life of a famous

The life of this man is shrouded in many legends. They are so closely intertwined with historical events that it is sometimes impossible to separate one from the other. So much has been written about any of the ancient philosophers as about the "legendary" Pythagoras. This article will be devoted to his brief biography and discoveries. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to make a text plan: algorithm, sequence of work with younger students

Children are taught to work with text from grade 1. It is very important that students understand what they read, be able to navigate the structure of the material, highlight the main thoughts. For this purpose, they are invited to draw up an outline of the text. How to do it right, we will find out in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

"Ride" or "ride": rules for writing verbs

Along with the noun, an important part of speech is the verb, which indicates a process or action. A characteristic feature is the distribution by grammatical categories. These include pledge, mood, tense and person. Together, they are indicators of what kind of word the word belongs to. To correctly write the words "rides" or "rides", it is important to know simple rules. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the author's speech: rules of use, punctuation

Author's speech is the embodiment of the image of the author, who is responsible for what was said. Most often found in artistic speech to emphasize the character's speech. When using, it is important to know the rules for punctuation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a syntactic expression? Lexical and syntactic means of expression

To make speech emotionally rich, beautiful and expressive, a syntactic means of expression will help. This also includes phonetic and lexical. With their help, they convey information and their own thoughts, influence the listener or reader. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are fluent vowels: rules of use

Human speech consists of words and sentences. They are spoken, written and read. Without sounds and letters, it will not be possible to correctly compose phrases. To become a literate person, you need to know what fluent vowels are, how they change, what happens to the word. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What does it mean to parry: in the dictionary, when communicating

Often in Russian people come across expressions that have a figurative meaning. Proper pronunciation always emphasizes the education of a person. Many in life have to get into an argument, so it's important to know what it means to fend off. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Rhetorical device: definition and examples

Rhetorical techniques, such as the use of images, comparisons, metaphors, repetitions, allegories and others, allow you to fully reveal the topic of speech, make the speech lively, understandable and interesting for the audience. There are quite a few such techniques, but not all of them are often and actively used in public speaking. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The meaning of the word "yakhont": where it is used, the rules of writing

The meaning of the word "yakhont" allows it to be used in various interpretations. Initially, the yahont is a precious stone. In red it is a ruby, in blue it is a sapphire. In Russia, they believed that he had healing powers. If we talk about the use in relation to people, then with the help of the word they emphasized the importance and value of the person. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Motivation of educational activity of younger students: concept, basic principles, goals, objectives and examples

The leading place in the personality structure is occupied by the motivation of the educational activity of younger schoolchildren - a concept necessary to explain the activity and behavior of the child. This is a topical problem both theoretically and practically. Occupies a central place in pedagogy and educational psychology. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Good-natured is a characteristic or meaning of life, the meaning of the word

Good-natured is a person who is characterized by a positive mood. He always responds positively to the advantages and disadvantages of other people. From birth, it has a good character, a desire to show friendliness, kindness, gentleness and benevolence. Most importantly, he has a kind soul. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Cool corner for grade 5: rules, requirements, tips

For students at school, conditions are created under which they can develop and gain knowledge. You can create a cool corner for grade 5 with your own hands. It will turn out a colorful stand, on which it is always convenient to place the necessary information. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01