Secondary education and schools

The answer to cleanliness, why the tongue in the mouth

When looking for the key to a certain encryption, trying to guess the understatement, the brain trains, and the mood improves. But this, of course, if the answer is found correct. In addition, this is a useful activity, and also a lot of fun! Try to guess why the tongue is in the mouth. Here's to some laughter. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a bandura? Meaning of the word

What is a bandura? This is a plucked musical instrument. Probably, today few people have an idea about it, because folk music eventually faded into the background. Also, the word is used in a figurative sense. What the term "bandura" means will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a tail? Multiple word meanings

What is a tail? It would seem that the answer to this question is obvious - this is a part of the body in animals and birds. But the fact is that this lexeme, being used in a figurative sense, has many shades of interpretation. About what a tail is in the literal and figurative sense, will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What does "interstellar" mean? Interpretation and description of the word

What does "interstellar" mean? Many people have asked this question after watching the masterpiece of the same name from Christopher Nolan. Our article will tell in detail about the meaning of the word, the history of its occurrence, as well as the reasons for the popularity of the term among creative people. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

A slob is an unassembled person

When a person works or studies a lot, he needs to rest periodically. But there are exceptional gentlemen who manage to find time for doing nothing under any circumstances. They are loosely referred to as slackers. What it is?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Now you can wear the state on your head. What a strange fashion

In one millennium ageless land… A big city soared up and soars under the clouds… A river that even a child deftly cuts with a knife… A whole state can be worn on one's head… What a phantasmagoria! Magical dream! Stop. Don't sleep! This is a geography lesson. And she deals with the most that neither is reality. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

You can't sew a shirt from what fabric, friends?

Let's do an experiment. It will require several types of canvas: a railway one, from a two-handed saw, a masterpiece from an art gallery, a conveyor belt, one of the forged gates of the city garden, and a simple fabric. Every experiment has a purpose. Ours sounds like this: “Find out what fabric you can’t sew a shirt from.” Well, shall we risk it? Or just check all the correct answers to the question in this list?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the meaning of the word "dogma"?

The meaning of the word "dogma" goes back to the ancient Greek language. Translated into Russian, it means "opinion", "decree", "decision". Initially, it referred to resolutions, orders, then - to the position of the dogma, approved by the church, which was declared as an obligatory and unchanging truth, not subject to doubt and criticism. Later it was used in other areas as well. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How the Eastern Hemisphere differs from the Western: the continents of the planet

Our planet is divided into several hemispheres: Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western. Each of them has its own characteristics. And what is the difference between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere and what continents do they have? The terms "continent" and "mainland" have a scientific meaning, but there is also the concept of "part of the world", which has a historical and cultural sign. This name gives the concept of how the continents were discovered. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Sports interest - is it frivolous or cruel?

Shine of medals, bathing in the rays of glory, the excitement of the competition - all this goes to the athletes at a fairly high price. These are daily exhausting workouts, diseases from sports-related injuries. To this should be added a restriction in entertainment and education, in friendly and family contacts. In childhood, athletes have an artificial interest in sports, but in adults everything is different. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider what "sports interest" means. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings. Project "Mathematics around us"

Such a task in a modern elementary school is already given to first-graders. Which is not surprising, on the one hand, because right now they are getting acquainted with figures and numbers. In addition, children need to understand where mathematical knowledge is used in life. But, on the other hand, "Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings" is a rather difficult topic for a first-grader. Here are some tips to help you do this job well. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Sopatka is about the nose or the place where it should be

There are unusual words in every language. They remain unchanged for centuries, but gradually change their meanings or acquire additional interpretations. An example in Russian speech can be called "sopatka". What is it? Read the article and find out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The border of Russia and Poland: the history of formation, the place of passage at the present time

The first decision on the passage of the land border separating the territories of neighboring states was made back in February 1945. It was planned to draw the border along the Pregel and Pissa rivers. The situation was complicated by the fact that the cities located on the coast of the rivers (regardless of which side they are located on) belonged to the Soviet Union. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Obtaining alkanes and their properties

The simplest compounds studied in organic chemistry courses are saturated hydrocarbons or paraffins, also called alkanes. Their qualitative composition is represented by atoms of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen. Molecules of compounds contain only one type of chemical bond - single, or simple. In our article, we will study the structure, as well as methods for obtaining and properties of alkanes. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Intraschool control. Intraschool control on educational work. Intraschool control plan

Intraschool control of academic work is a multilateral and complex process. It is distinguished by a certain regular ordering, the presence of interconnected elements, each of which is endowed with specific functions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

East European Plain: geographical location, characteristics

The East European Plain is one of the largest plains on the planet. It covers four million square kilometers, fully or partially affecting the territories of ten states. What is the relief and climate of the East European Plain? You can find all the details about it in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to find the perimeter of a rectangle? (Mathematics)

Mathematics is a rather difficult science. That is why some students may have trouble understanding some topics. This article is written to help parents explain difficult material for a child. So, the article will talk about how to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Multiplication table on fingers. How to learn?

You can start learning the multiplication table on the fingers after the child knows the multiplication from one to five. Already on the basis of this knowledge, you can develop a skill in the literal sense of manual multiplication. So let's get started?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Counting how many centimeters are in 1 inch

In everyday life, we often meet with unusual units of measurement. Most often you have to deal with inches when choosing modern gadgets, since all sizes are given in them. Knowing how many centimeters are in 1 inch, you will greatly facilitate the process of choosing monitors, smartphones and other high-tech devices. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Inclusive - what is it? What does an inclusive school or inclusive theater mean?

More and more people are hearing about inclusion. But not everyone knows what it is. Many parents, not understanding the meaning, are afraid to send their children to such kindergartens or schools. This article will tell the main essence of inclusion at the levels of preschool and school education, and will also talk about the inclusive direction in the theater. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to keep a diary: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

The personal diary is a good tool for psychological self-help in a variety of life situations. It is a kind of mirror in which current events are reflected. With the help of records, a person helps himself in an unobtrusive way to correct his psychological state, thoughts, emotions and feelings. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Redox reactions - what is it?

Among the most important varieties of chemical processes are redox reactions. They are characterized by a change in the oxidation states of atoms or ions. Understanding their mechanism allows you to better understand natural processes and achieve new substances in the laboratory. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The meaning of the phraseologism "Doomed"

Each of us in life had to hear, speak or read in classical Russian literature, under various circumstances, the stable expression "doomed". So, what does this phrase mean, what can it tell us and what does it bring to both sides?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hydrogen bond: examples and types of chemical bonds

If you look at the chronology of the study in chemical science of the ability of atoms of various elements to interact with each other, we can single out the middle of the 19th century. At that time, scientists drew attention to the fact that hydrogen compounds of oxygen, fluorine, nitrogen are characterized by a group of properties that can be called anomalous. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Allyl alcohol: preparation, formula, chemical properties

Today we will look at the features of organic chemistry. In particular, a representative of the class of alcohols - allyl alcohol. Allyl alcohol, also called propen-2-ol-1. Refers to simple monohydric alcohols, is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Prokaryotes: structure and features of life

In our article we will consider the structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. These organisms differ significantly in the level of organization. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the structure of genetic information. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ideal monatomic gas. formula for internal energy. Problem solving

Studying the properties and behavior of an ideal gas is the key to understanding the physics of this area as a whole. In this article, we will consider what the concept of an ideal monatomic gas includes, what equations describe its state and internal energy. And also solve a couple of problems on this topic. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Generation - what is it?

Generation - what is it? This word can often be found in various areas of media, but not all people know its meaning. In today's article, we will try to explain the true meaning of the word "generation", as well as answer some questions related to this topic. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Boosted engine is

Those who decide on a serious tuning of their car are unlikely to ignore the engine. What does forced mean? In medicine, there is such a thing as forced diuresis. This means an accelerated method of detoxification. The key word here is "accelerated". It is this concept that is embedded in the phrase "forced engine". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Physical meaning of moment of inertia: analogy with linear motion, examples

Any physical quantity that appears in mathematical equations in the study of a particular natural phenomenon has some meaning. The moment of inertia is no exception to this rule. The physical meaning of this quantity is discussed in detail in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Why do continents move and has it always happened?

What is solid land and liquid magma? What processes occurring inside the planet make the continents move? Have continents always moved?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are continents and how many are there?

The article talks about what continents are, how they formed, what they are now and what, according to scientists, were before. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Lake Sarez - time bomb

Lake Sarez is called a real treasure of the highland region, which is hidden from the whole world in the depths of Badakhshan. To this day, this place is considered deserted and lifeless, and getting to it is an incredibly difficult task. The extraordinary beauty of the lake landscapes cost the Tajik people dearly, as they arose due to the influence of the destructive forces of nature. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Where is Lake Rudolf? Photo and description

There are many mysterious places on our planet that people bypass. Mystical corners have a bad reputation, but curious tourists visit the anomalous zones, trying to unravel their mysteries on their own. The abandoned island of Irrevocable, located in the north of Kenya, acquired such an ominous glory. Lake Rudolph, which is the largest body of water in Africa, is located next to an uninhabited local attraction. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The isthmus is The meaning of the word "isthmus"

Most likely, you have heard the term "isthmus" more than once. Perhaps you even came across it in several meanings. Today we will talk about the meaning related to geography. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

King of Ithaca Odysseus. Mythology of Ancient Greece

Today we will meet such an interesting character as Odysseus (sometimes also called Ullis). This is the king of Ithaca. Odysseus is the son of Laertes and Anticlea. According to some versions of the myth, he is the son of Sisyphus. Sisyphus allegedly seduced Anticlea before she married Laertes. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Description of autumn in a school essay

Writing an essay is one of the main methods for developing the written and oral speech of schoolchildren. Describing autumn in a school essay is one of the easiest options to make the lesson and essay writing memorable and effective. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are lullabies: folklore and classics

Lullabies are an amazing layer of folk culture, from which images native to everyone grow. As psychologists call them - the archetypes of consciousness. The song contains a simple, but very important plot for life, which sets you up for the right behavior and a true understanding of everyday life. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The s altiest ocean: amazing features of the Atlantic

It seems that every millimeter of our Earth has already been explored, all the continents and oceans have been explored, but people have new questions all the time. For example, do you know what is the most s alty ocean on the planet? If not, then let's find out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Elective course is an additional opportunity

An elective course is an additional training session chosen by the student. "Elective" in translation from English means elective, optional. The list of courses is offered to pupils or students at the beginning of the academic year. They complement the content of the academic discipline, which is considered a profile in this educational institution and are designed to update and individualize the learning process. As a rule, these classes provide deeper knowledge that is not included in the standard school curriculum. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01