
Functions of monocytes: causes of increase and decrease, structure and function

When we receive a complete blood count, we cannot figure it out without the help of a doctor. Meanwhile, some indicators need to be known in order to at least a little navigate the situation. A separate column in the analysis form is the number of monocytes, which monitors the patient's recovery. For example, if after suffering a sore throat, an increased number of monocytes persists for a long time, then the doctor may suggest the development of incipient rheumatoid inflammation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Planes and axes of the human body. Anatomy

Anatomically, our body is divided into topographic regions with various organs, neurovascular bundles and other components located within them. In this article, we will consider the planes and axes of the human body. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The autonomic nervous system includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

The autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic. Each of the departments performs functions that have a supporting and stimulating effect on the internal environment of the body. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The crystal lattice of ice and water

In 1910, the American physicist P. Bridgman and the German researcher G. Tamman discovered that ice can form several polymorphic crystalline modifications. Now 9 modifications of ice are known, they have different crystal lattices, different densities and melting points. The ice we all know well is called "ice I", other modifications of ice exist at pressures exceeding 2000 atm. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Lanthanides and actinides: position in the periodic system

Lanthanides and actinides are two families that contain 14 chemical elements each, as well as the metals themselves - lanthanum and actinium. Their properties - both physical and chemical - will be considered by us in this paper. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Dicarboxylic acids: description, chemical properties, preparation and application

Dicarboxylic acids are substances containing two functional monovalent carboxyl groups - COOH, which determine their acidic properties. However, this definition is short. In fact, much more can be said about these compounds, so now it is worth paying attention to the most interesting, useful and important facts regarding their chemical and physical properties, the production process and the areas in which they have found their application. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Chelated Forms: Definition, Examples, Applications

Chelated forms of chemical compounds: description, examples, features. Obtaining substances and their use in agriculture, production and medicine. Major chelating agents. Impact on animal he alth, human he alth and plant growth. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Organella is Functions, structure of organelles

What is an organelle? What are they like? How is each of them arranged and what functions does it perform in the cell?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Information about comets. comet movement. comet names

Space is fraught with many mysteries. People have long been interested in messengers from above. When a falling meteor (shooting star) appears, people make a wish. What are the messengers of the sky - comets and meteorites - really?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is chronology: definition. What does chronology study?

Everyone feels the passage of time. Stars and planets are moving in the universe, the hands of the clock are monotonously beating their rhythm, each of us is slowly moving forward along the corridor of time. Realizing their dependence on it, people have come up with many ways and number systems that help to streamline and calculate it. Various sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and history, could hardly do without such an exact science as chronology. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

X-ray laser: description, device, principle of operation

An X-ray laser is a device that uses stimulated emission to generate or amplify electromagnetic radiation in the near X-ray or extreme ultraviolet region of the spectrum, i.e. typically on the order of several tens of nanometers (nm) wavelength. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Boolean algebra. Algebra of logic. Elements of mathematical logic

Increasingly, we hear the expression "Boolean algebra". Perhaps it's time to understand the role of man in creating robots and the ability of machines to solve not only mathematical, but also logical problems. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Neuron functions. What is the function of neurons. motor neuron function

The ability of cells to respond to stimuli from the outside world is the main criterion of a living organism. The structural elements of the nervous tissue - the neurons of mammals and humans, are able to transform stimuli (light, smell, sound waves) into the process of excitation. Its end result is an adequate reaction of the body in response to various environmental influences. In this article, we will study what function the neurons of the brain and peripheral parts of the nervous system perform, and also consider. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Scream iron - what is it? Modern name, getting

Iron is an element that is familiar to every person on our planet. And there is nothing surprising in this. Indeed, in terms of its content in the earth's crust (up to 5%), this component is the most common. However, only a fortieth of these reserves can be found in deposits suitable for development. The main ore minerals of iron are siderite, brown iron ore, hematite and magnetite. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Stages and stages of team development: methodology

The word collectives in Latin means "crowd", "gathering", "group". Today, a team is understood as a community of people who have common goals, orientations, traditions, united in joint activities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a right? Just about complex

Modern relations in society are inconceivable without the establishment of certain norms of interaction, which sometimes take very complex forms. And therefore, quite naturally, the question arises of what is a right and to what extent is it necessary?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

A laureate is Nobel laureates

Who is the laureate? This is a person who has been awarded a national or international award. The article lists the most famous awards of the second type. And also a list of winners of the award, established by the Swedish millionaire and researcher Alfred Nobel. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Semenov Nikolai Nikolaevich: biography, scientific activity

Semenov Nikolai - a famous chemist of the USSR, who is the author of many valuable theories and works. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Progress is a real-life complex of phenomena

Disputes between idealists and materialists touch on many topics. But one of them literally pits both sides, causing a huge amount of raging emotions. This is the problem of progress. A very abstract noun causes almost holy wars. Is progress what it seems, or is it not? The very formulation of such a question is very, very difficult to understand. Let's dot all the vowels i that do not exist in Russian. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are intervals in music, in mathematics?

What is the connection between music and exact sciences, like mathematics? People have been asking this question since ancient times. Modern scientists have proven that the mental processes that occur when solving mathematical problems are similar to those that occur during the performance of musical works and the study of subjects of the musical-theoretical cycle. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Exploring the Moon. Space exploration. Discoveries

People have always been interested in space. The moon, being closest to our planet, has become the only celestial body that has been visited by man. How did the research of our satellite begin, and who won the palm in landing on the moon?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Gravity anomaly: definition, meaning, features and interesting facts

A gravitational anomaly occurs both on the surface of the Earth and in its bowels. An important external factor in this case is the relief. As for the underground causes, they include the movements of the layers vertically and horizontally, as well as changes in the density composition of these layers. Such a phenomenon as a gravitational anomaly is of great importance in geology. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Moon. Reverse side: history and modern data

More than other space objects since ancient times, the Moon has attracted man. Its reverse side, hidden from the earthly observer, gave rise to many fantasies and legends and was associated with everything mysterious and incomprehensible. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The size of the moon, features, theory of origin and comparison with other celestial bodies of the solar system

The article describes the main parameters of the Earth's satellite: the size of the Moon, its volume and mass. As well as surface features, comparison with other objects of the solar system. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Why chanterelles are not wormy. Is it possible to eat mushrooms from which worms run

Why the fox was called a fox. Why chanterelles are not wormy and are poisonous mushrooms wormy. Where and when is the best time to collect chanterelles. Signs of mushroom places. The healing properties of chanterelles and how they are related to why chanterelles are never wormy. What do the "twins" of the common chanterelle look like and can they be eaten. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Fibonacci spiral: photo, building a Fibonacci spiral

Nature always solves problems in the simplest and most elegant way you can think of. The golden ratio, or, in other words, the Fibonacci spiral, is a clear reflection of the genius of these decisions. Traces of this proportion are found in ancient buildings and great paintings, the human body and celestial objects. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The concept of a prism. Volume formulas for prisms of different types: regular, straight and oblique. The solution of the problem

Volume is a characteristic of any figure that has non-zero dimensions in all three dimensions of space. In this article, from the point of view of stereometry (the geometry of spatial figures), we will consider the figure of a prism and show how to find the volumes of prisms of various types. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pisces (class): description. fish families

The world of fish is very diverse, as is their habitat. They live in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes; they can exist both in warm tropical regions and in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean. How are they different from other animals? What species and families of fish are there?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What are the main features of society? General sociology

In our article we are going to consider the question: "What are the main characteristics of society?" - as well as some related aspects. They will help us to operate this concept more consciously and in general will be useful for expanding knowledge in this area. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Mnemonic - who is this? The meaning of the word "mnemonic"

In our article we touched upon an extraordinary topic - highly efficient memorization of hard-to-remember information. A mnemonic is a person who has mastered a special memory technique. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a person's aikyu (IQ)?

Knowing your IQ (aikyu) is considered important for a modern person. Dozens of tests and techniques enable us to lift the veil of our own abilities. Let's talk in our article what aikyu is, what are the ways to study this indicator of human thinking, who helped us learn more about our brain. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Mercury's satellites: real or hypothetical? Does Mercury have a moon?

One of the small planets in the solar system we are going to talk about now. This is the planet Mercury, closest to the Sun. What mystery do you think this celestial body contains?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Avogadro's number: interesting facts

From the school chemistry course we know that if we take one mole of any substance, then it will contain 6.02214084(18)•10^23 atoms or other structural elements (molecules, ions, etc.). For convenience, the Avogadro number is usually written in this form: 6.02 • 10^23. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ilizarov Center where is it? History, description, reviews and photos

The first and only museum in Russia is dedicated to traumatology and orthopedics, literally hour by hour allowing you to establish the chronology of the development of events that made the Ilizarov Center a stronghold of scientific activity and new treatment technologies. All the development of the famous orthopedic clinic at a glance. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Cell differentiation is Cell growth and development

In the human body, more than 200 types of cells have been isolated, each of which has the same hereditary code. All of them developed first from a unicellular and then a multicellular embryo, which a little later divided into three germ layers. From each of its parts, body tissues have developed, where approximately the same type of cells are located. At the same time, almost all of them developed from the same group of predecessors. This process is called cell differentiation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is mycorrhiza in biology?

In nature, there are many very interesting devices that help creatures live. They are found in both animals and plants, fungi, bacteria and others. It's amazing how inventive and unique the natural environment is! One has only to recall the diversity of species of various living beings, as this uniqueness becomes apparent. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Isolating mechanisms in biology. Types of isolation mechanisms, examples

No one will deny that the reality around us is harmonious and perfect. It doesn’t matter what or who a person believes in, but around him he sees not only beauty and diversity, but also a harmonious order in which there is no place for chaos. Especially clearly clear expediency is manifested in the world of living beings. Everything weak, ugly, incapable of reproducing he althy offspring is swept away by the action of evolutionary factors, primarily natural selection. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ballistic coefficients. Bullet range

The article discusses ballistic coefficients, a table, various methods, historical inventions, as well as the first test runs and bullet range. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Uncertainty relation in quantum mechanics. Heisenberg uncertainty relation (briefly)

This seemingly simple inequality reflects the natural limit to which nature can simultaneously answer some of our questions. The ratio, mutually linking the uncertainties of dynamic parameters, is a natural consequence of the dual - corpuscular-wave - nature of matter. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Einstein's formula for the photoelectric effect. Einstein's formula for energy

Albert Einstein is probably known to every inhabitant of our planet. It is known thanks to the famous formula for the connection between mass and energy. However, he did not receive the Nobel Prize for it. In this article, we will consider two formulas of Einstein, which turned the physical ideas about the world around us at the beginning of the 20th century. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01