Colleges and universities

VSPU: Faculty of Humanities. Description, speci alties, program

VSPU is one of the oldest educational institutions in Voronezh. The Faculty of Humanities did not yet exist at the time of the founding of the university, but today it plays an important role in the educational part of this educational institution. Today we will talk about the history, curriculum and class schedule. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Universities of Ukraine: review. Search university by areas and cities

Ukraine is one of the post-Soviet countries, where people come from near and far abroad to get higher education. However, if you look, there are certain "gaps" in this area. By eliminating them, the state will be able to climb several steps up in the ranking of the world's best institutions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

List of the largest universities in Khabarovsk

Prestigious large institutions of higher education have been opened in Khabarovsk. Applicants can choose between humanitarian and technical universities. There are also universities with a military department. Large institutes and academies have comfortable dormitories to accommodate non-resident students, both on a budgetary and paid basis. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The most prestigious universities in Belarus

The article gives a brief information about the structure of the higher education system in the Republic of Belarus, a list of classical state universities, as well as academies, among which there are both creative universities and agricultural universities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kyiv Aviation University: institutes and faculties, reviews

Higher education today is an important condition for obtaining a prestigious profession. Therefore, the choice of a higher educational institution should be unmistakable. What can Kyiv Aviation University offer to an applicant? This will be discussed in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Higher and secondary medical education in absentia

It is very difficult to get a medical education in our country in absentia. But it is quite possible. How and what needs to be done for this?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The best universities in Donetsk

Donetsk is the capital of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). The educational institutions of this city train specialists of various professions, but some Donetsk universities remain the most popular due to the demand for the areas in which they train specialists. We present you some of the most popular universities in the city. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Universities of Rostov-on-Don: commercial and state

Now there are 39 universities in Rostov. The largest was the federal university, which included 4 institutes. There are about 55 thousand students, you can study at one of the 37 faculties. State universities in Rostov have become widespread, as well as private ones, so it is necessary to consider them in more detail. This article will help you decide on your future educational institution. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Rostov Civil Engineering University (RSSU): address, faculties, admission conditions

Rostov University of Civil Engineering: description, faculties, address, reviews, photos. RSSU (Rostov State University of Civil Engineering): conditions for admission, admission committee, address. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

TSU, Faculty of Psychology: description, features and reviews

Tomsk Imperial University was founded in 1878 and for a long time became the only university in Siberia and the Far East region. Now it is a leading university of classical research type, it is recognized as a center of education, science and innovation. And in 1997, the Faculty of Psychology was opened at TSU. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

MSTU named after Nosov: university structure, training program and reviews

MSTU im. Nosov is a large multidisciplinary university in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. Every year about 15,000 students receive education here in 848 areas. The educational institution organizes advanced training courses and preparation for entrance exams, there is a college and much more. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The best institutions of St. Petersburg. Universities of St. Petersburg

Higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg are divided into public and private. The former unite universities, institutes, academies, conservatories, the Ministry of Defense and branches. The latter have the same levels of division, however, instead of military speci alties, their list includes spiritual higher institutions. Branches are also common among private universities. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a gel: concept, definition, chemical composition of gels, purpose and application

The article discusses the origin of the word "gel". The concept of "gel" is characterized from the point of view of colloidal chemistry. Gels are considered as a kind of colloidal disperse systems. Methods for obtaining gels are given. The classification of gels from the standpoint of the state of aggregation of the medium and phase and their chemical composition is considered. The main ways of using gels in medicine are indicated. Warming and cooling gels are considered in more detail. The method for determining the strength of the gel is briefly described. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Perm Medical Academy: faculties, passing score

In 1916, the first university in the Urals was opened in Perm, which marked the beginning of medical education in this region, since one faculty of the university was physics and mathematics with a department of medicine, from which the medical academy gradually grew. Perm land at that time was in great need of such specialists, so forty-three percent of applicants in the year of opening were admitted to the medical department. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The biggest waterfall in the world: TOP-6

In this article we will describe the largest waterfalls in the world. But in this case, it is not the size that is meant, but their height. A waterfall is a river that bypasses a rocky ledge and creates a falling stream. Surely you have already seen this magnificent spectacle. And the higher the waterfall, the more beautiful it is. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Conditions for admission to the Faculty of Music Management

Everyone wants to become artists, famous people, taste the glory and love of the public. There are many who wish to be the right hand of the artist, the man without whom the most successful pop idol would not have become what he is. In our material we talk about the profession of a music manager and where you can learn it in the capital of our country. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Target cells are Concept, types and mechanism of action

Target cells are such structural and functional units that specifically interact with hormones using special receptor proteins. The definition is generally clear, but the topic itself is very voluminous, and each of its aspects is certainly important. It is quite difficult to cover all the material at once, so now we will only talk about the main points regarding target cells, their types and mechanism of action. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Gluconeogenesis - what is it? Process regulation, enzymes

One of the significant processes in the body is gluconeogenesis. This is the name of the metabolic pathway that leads to the fact that glucose is formed from non-carbohydrate compounds (pyruvate, in particular). What are its features? How is this process regulated? There are many important nuances regarding this topic, and now it is worth paying attention to them. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Transit passenger - who is this? Transportation rules

In order to get from one point of our planet to another, you often have to change trains in one country or another. Transit passengers are those who travel in this way. Flights with the need for transfers have their advantages and disadvantages. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Rubtsov Industrial Institute: overview, features and reviews

Rubtsov Industrial Institute is a branch of the Altai Polytechnic University. The abbreviation of the educational institution is RII. The Institute is considered the oldest and largest higher educational institution in the south of the Altai Territory. There are different areas of training, ranging from the speci alty "Management" and ending with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Luxmeter - what is it: device, types and principle of operation

In a broad sense, light is any visible optical radiation. In the branch of physics that studies optics, light is considered as an electromagnetic wave (luminous flux) with a certain wavelength range or, in other words, a stream of photons with some own energy. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Faculty of Marketing: list of universities, addresses, admission conditions

Today, speci alties related to economics in one way or another are gaining more and more popularity in Russian higher educational institutions. This also includes marketing - market management. Where in Moscow you can learn this profession and what are its advantages, we tell in our material. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pedagogical speci alty: concept, types and classification, conditions for obtaining and general foundations of pedagogy

Pedagogical speci alty is one of the activities of a teacher within a certain professional group, which is characterized by a set of skills, knowledge and abilities that have been acquired as a result of educational activities, and helps in setting and solving certain tasks of pedagogy in accordance with the level of competence teacher. In this article, this concept will be discussed in more detail. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

KSU, Kostroma: address, faculties, admission committee. Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov

For more than sixty years, the leading university in the region, KSU, has been supplying highly qualified personnel. Kostroma is the only city in Russia that trains specialists for the jewelry industry. The university is focused on the latest educational technologies, has a significant scientific potential, and has a good material base. Graduates of KSU (Kostroma) are in high demand in the country. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Continental system of law: concept, characteristics, sources. Romano-Germanic legal family

The Continental system of law, or the Romano-Germanic legal family, is a legal system that prevails in Europe and around the world, developed within the framework of Roman law. Its main feature is that the basic principles of this legal family are encoded into a referential system, which serves as the main source of law. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ufa, BSAU: faculties and speci alties

Bashkir State Agrarian University is one of the leading universities in the Russian Federation that trains professional personnel for agriculture. It has its own scientific schools, the teaching staff there is highly qualified. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Faculty of Foreign Languages, St. Petersburg State University: passing scores

The Faculty of Foreign Languages of St. Petersburg State University is one of the prestigious structural divisions of the oldest university in Russia. Graduates of the faculty are fluent in several foreign languages, can work as simultaneous interpreters, teachers. It should be noted that the faculty also provides additional study services languages, as well as retraining programs. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Higher School of Translation (HTS) MSU

GTS MSU is a prestigious faculty, which trains highly qualified translators who have the opportunity to subsequently build a fast-paced career. More details about undergraduate and graduate programs, postgraduate studies are described below. Information is also given about the address of the faculty of the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University, passing scores for admission and preparatory courses. For convenience, each question is considered in a separate section. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Where to get an education: medical colleges of Chelyabinsk

On the kind hands of nurses, their encouraging words, not only the cure for diseases depends, but also the course of rehabilitation. You can't do without caring midwives who welcome new citizens into this world, without competent pharmacists and scrupulous laboratory assistants. Many specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation train nurses, including medical colleges in Chelyabinsk. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to pick up documents from the university: step by step instructions

Every year, issues related to the admission of applicants to the university become relevant. But no less popular is the question of how to get back documents previously submitted to the university. In this article, you will find the answer to this very question. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vilna University: history of foundation, faculties, admission conditions

Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, a beautiful city with a lot of interesting things. Among its attractions, one can rightfully name the University of the Lithuanian capital. Now it is called Vilnius, previously it was called Vilna, but it has existed for several centuries. We tell about the history of Vilna University in our material. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Corporatism is Description, features and goals

Corporatism is… General description and its features. History of corporatism. Neo-corporatism in modern society, its main directions. types of corporatism. Pluralism and lobbying. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Who are the second parents?

Successor is a slightly forgotten old word. It means godparents who are responsible for their spiritual child before the Lord. The duties of sponsors may seem difficult to people who are far from God. In fact, they are not so much heavy as very responsible. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Motor power: formula, calculation rules, types and classification of electric motors

In electromechanics, there are many drives that operate with constant loads without changing the speed of rotation. They are used in industrial and household equipment such as fans, compressors and others. If the nominal characteristics are not known, then the formula for the power of the electric motor is used for calculations. Parameter calculations are especially relevant for new and little-known drives. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Distributed information systems: technology, design, security

Expanding the practice of using information materials in digital form due to ergonomic, functional and technical advantages. The conditional “figure” has replaced huge arrays of file cabinets, physical databases, repositories of books and other documentary and reference materials. However, the tasks of ordering, segmenting and classifying information remained, and in some aspects became more acute. In the context of solving this problem, the concept of distributed information systems arose. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Analytical activity is Fundamentals of analytical activity

Analytical activity: general concept, features and functions. Tasks of analytical activity and classification of its types. Organization of work at the enterprise. Stages of analytical activity and their description. Methodological foundations and analysis tools. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The mission of the enterprise is Definition, features of formation, goals, objectives and functions

Any self-respecting organization is concerned not only with making money, the raison d'etre is always the mission of the enterprise. This is the very thing that each of its employees is obliged to serve. This is how business shapes principles and values. The function of the mission of the enterprise is to reflect its purpose, to position its own difference from competitors, to determine the role that the company plays in public life. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Admission to the master's program at Moscow State University: programs, tuition fees

Admission to the master's program at Moscow State University is the dream of many graduates of undergraduate programs of Russian universities. A prestigious university, a wide variety of programs - the list of advantages is endless. More detailed information about master's programs is presented below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The reasons for the German economic miracle

After the Second World War, Germany was a ruined state with an incredibly bleak future. The country has been occupied by four nations and will soon be divided in two by the Berlin Wall. But by 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down and Germany reunified, it was the envy of much of the world. Germany had the third largest economy in the world, second only to Japan and the United States in terms of GDP. The rise of Germany became known throughout the world as the German economic miracle. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Public good: properties, classification and characteristics

In the cumulative interpretation, goods are the generalization of the means required to satisfy the needs of the individual and the whole society. The national economy includes a rather extensive classification of goods. Depending on their type and category, their essential properties are also formed. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01