
What is "nasik"? Youth slang

This article will focus on the features of youth slang, which every day is becoming more and more extensive in terms of the number of words in it. Specifically, we will talk about the slang name for the narcotic substance nasvay, which is casually called "nasik" among young people. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

We invite you to a skit: what is a skit

Detailed consideration of what a skit is. The history of this phenomenon of cultural life in Russia, its development and genre. Modern skits at school and university. Video report from the skit of the Youth Theater. About the atmosphere that prevails at this holiday. What does cabbage have to do with it - roots in the past. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Colon in a non-union complex sentence: setting rules

Associative sentences with a colon consist of two or more parts, each of which has a specific meaning. It is from him that the choice of one or another punctuation mark depends. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Introductory sentences: definition, rules, punctuation

Often when writing and proofreading texts, we may not have enough confidence in how to properly punctuate if there are sentences with introductory words. There are several simple rules on how to distinguish an introductory construction and place commas correctly. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Sentences with participles in Russian

The construction of a gerund with dependent words in a sentence is called a gerund. It denotes additional actions that are performed by the same active object, person or phenomenon as the main actions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

How to learn English quickly? Easily

We bring to your attention an article on how to quickly learn English and at the same time not puzzle over how to remember a whole bunch of incomprehensible words. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Contextual synonyms are the key to individual style

Each of the writers - whether it is a primary school student or a venerable writer - had to deal with this phenomenon. It is as interesting - both linguistically and psychologically - as difficult to describe. After all, if synonyms in general are words that are similar in meaning, belonging to the same part of speech, differing either in stylistic coloring or in shades of meaning, then contextual synonyms are not amenable to such a description. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Dash in non-union complex sentence: rule and example

Union-free complex sentence (BSP) is a sentence consisting of two or more parts, and these parts are connected to each other only with the help of intonation and various punctuation marks. What are the punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence? It can be a comma, semicolon, colon, or dash. In this article, we will consider cases and examples of setting a dash in BSP. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Comparison of adjectives in English is easy

How are degrees of comparison of adjectives formed in English? What exercises are there that will allow you to quickly and easily memorize these degrees and learn how to use them?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Irregular English verbs - a stumbling block?

Is it really that hard to learn irregular verbs of a language? Are there ways to turn this overwhelming task into something easy and fun?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Trishkin caftan: the meaning and origin of phraseology

The richness of the Russian language with full confidence can be called its phraseological units, the origins and meanings of which are very diverse. We offer you to get acquainted with one of them, to find out the origin and meaning of the expression "Trishkin caftan", as well as situations in which its use is appropriate. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Past Simple: rules of formation and use

Past Simple, whose formation rules are not so complicated, is one of the most used tenses in the English language. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pleonasm: examples and features

Pleonasm is a special turn of speech in which a certain element of meaning is duplicated. In other words, an expression can have several language forms with the same meaning. This phenomenon can be present both in a complete segment of a text or speech, and in the linguistic expression itself. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Rules for reading English for children

How to present very complex (even for adults) rules of reading English to children in an easy and fun way?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Underly is The real meaning of an obsolete word

There are many words in our language, the meaning of which is not immediately clear due to the obsolescence of those linguistic forms from which they were formed. Therefore, one often has to guess about their meaning and meaning, but this does not guarantee the correctness of their interpretation. For example, the adverb "latently", having heard it, one can only guess what it means. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Distortion - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Do you know how rumors are born? One information is passed from mouth to mouth, but since people cannot remember all the details, distortions are inevitable, this is understandable. And now history will pass several circles, and the output will be something completely different from what it was at the beginning. And today we will talk about distortion. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What does "poz" mean? Who is the "pots" of the Jews?

What does "potz" mean for the Jews? Why this word has nothing to do with the word "kid". Many people think that they are one and the same. But in fact, having learned the truth, you will understand how deeply mistaken. Yes, even famous Russian historians and creators of dictionaries did this, let alone ordinary people. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is "kol" in Russian?

The word "count" in Russian has several meanings. Traditionally, it is associated with the concepts of "hut" or "land allotment", but today this word has acquired a different actual meaning. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is enamel: the main meanings of the word

What is enamel? In modern Russian, a word can have several meanings, both etymologically correct and “colloquial”, not quite correct. Let's look at technical enamel and tooth enamel as examples of the most obvious uses of the word in the literal sense. It is also worth paying attention to the concepts of “enamel-paint” and “enamelware” that are very common in everyday life, which are not directly related to the actual concept of enamel. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is arable land? Meaning of the word

The word "arable land" refers to agriculture. This is the name of a certain piece of land that is subjected to regular plowing. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

A butler is a person who pours wine

Quite often in historical and fiction we come across incomprehensible words that have already gone out of wide use or are simply rarely used. In such cases, you can refer to the explanatory dictionary. Here is a slightly more detailed explanation of one of these words. The word is cupbearer. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is an antonym and a synonym. Synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, their formation and use

The article gives brief information about what an antonym and a synonym are, what paronyms are. The ways of their formation and use in various styles of the language are mentioned. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Terpsichore is the muse of dance

Terpsichore is one of the nine ancient Greek muses patronizing the arts and sciences, which, according to legend, were born from the powerful Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. A beautiful maiden with a lyre in a wreath of ivy gave inspiration to those who revered the art of dance and choral singing. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Syntax is a branch of the science of language that studies the phrase, sentence and text

Linguistics, or linguistics - the science of speech, language and communication - studies the most diverse aspects of the structure and functioning of languages. Syntax is a branch of the science of language that studies phrases, sentences, and text. This article is devoted to what exactly and from what point of view specialists study. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Professional words: examples. Professionalisms in Russian

The words of each language are far from the same in terms of whether they are used by all native speakers or only by certain groups. Some lexemes can be understood only by representatives of a certain profession, they are called "professional words". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Morphological principle of Russian spelling: examples and rules

The principles of Russian spelling are considered very complex, but against the background of comparison with other European languages, where there are a lot of traditional, conditional spellings, the spelling of the Russian language as a whole is quite logical, you just need to understand what it is based on. This article talks about the morphological principle of Russian spelling, examples of which are most of the words of our language. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Growing vocabulary: a vent is

From the first glance at the word "vent" it becomes clear that this is a noun. Moreover, the noun is a common noun (names an object one of many) and inanimate (denotes an inanimate object). Also, it is a neuter noun. But do you know what meaning lies behind the letters of this word?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Womb: what is or who is

Gluttony, ventriloquism, fraught, gluttony, glutton, womb - all these are related words. What is a womb? What are its synonyms? What morphological features is it characterized by? Which syllable is stressed and how is the word spelled correctly?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Growing up vocabulary: speculating is

Speculation, speculator, speculative, speculating, speculation, speculator and speculate are cognate words. In this article we will talk about the meaning and morphological features of the word "speculate". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Building vocabulary: discredit is

common to these phrases. Let's deal with everything in order. What is discredit? By the word "discredit" we mean the deliberate undermining of trust in any person or phenomenon. Examples of the use of the described word:. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Building vocabulary: a tirade is

Sometimes we have to hear phraseological units: break out into a tirade, utter a whole tirade, etc. Their meaning is generally clear to almost everyone. But the situation is much more complicated with the word "tirade", taken out of context. Tirade is. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Growing up vocabulary: cunning is

It can be ingenuous, overt, covert, undisguised, obnoxious, cheeky, sassy, professional, childish, good-natured, naive, subtle, outspoken, charming, feminine, girly, girly, playful, overt, boyish, foxy, political, charming. You won't guess anything! This is deceit. It is about this word that we will present information in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Growing up vocabulary: hubbub is

What the word "hustle" means is not known to everyone. But everyone understands that this word is a masculine noun. I would like to add that this noun is a common noun and inanimate. In addition, "buzz" is an uncountable noun, therefore, only the singular form is used in speech. The exception is poetry. But, as you know, she lives by special laws. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Building vocabulary: a fanatic is

Unfortunately, from time to time we have to hear curses: sometimes they are deserved, sometimes they are not. In addition, sometimes neither the one who is being scolded nor the one who is scolding knows the exact lexical meaning of these words. As an example, let's take the noun "fiend". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Building vocabulary: bragging is

Bragging is a common neuter inanimate noun. In this article we will talk about the meaning of this word, talk about its declension, select at least one, or better, several synonyms. Let's start in order. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Growing up vocabulary: a swindler is

In life we do not always meet friendly and polite people. Sometimes we are offended, insulted and called not very good words. Sometimes the meaning of these words is not entirely clear. This article will tell you in detail about the word "swindler". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Foyer: what is it, morphological characteristics, synonyms

Foyer… What is it? What is the meaning behind this beautiful mysterious foreign word? What morphological features is it endowed with, what type of declension does it belong to, and is it inclined at all? You will find answers to these questions in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Building vocabulary: an intriguer is

Intriguer or intriguer - which is correct? Some say this, others say otherwise. Let's figure it out together. This article will tell you about the meaning of this noun, its morphological features, declension, as well as synonyms that you can pick up for it. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

School of an advanced parent: what are flops?

Often, parents do not fully understand what their teenage offspring say, sometimes putting a completely different meaning into their statements. This article will tell about the modern meanings of the word "splash", its morphological features, as well as synonyms. Let's start in order. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Depression or depression - how to spell correctly?

This article describes in detail the origin of the word "depression", its meaning in various areas of life, as well as the question of how to spell "depression" or "depression" in detail. Briefly outlined the concept of "depression" in the medical interpretation, signs, symptoms and treatment of this disease, as well as its prevention. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01