Languages 2024, September

English transcription. English - transcription in Russian

English is always in demand not only in the workplace, but also in everyday life, which means that you need to start learning it right now

Variants of the meaning of the word "executioner". Is it a profession or a way of life?

What do we know about executioners? Are they professional killers who carry out the death pen alty, or a sadistic person who tortures pets and people around them? What is the true meaning of the word, and who is he - a real executioner?

Neon - what is it? Where is neon used?

The Russian language is very rich and diverse. It often contains lexical items that came from other languages. It often happens that one word has several meanings at once. Uneducated people can confuse them and apply certain terms inappropriately. To prevent this from happening, it is better to be interested in the origin of the word, its meaning and application. Today we will talk about neon

Positivity is The meaning of the word, synonyms

Positivity is a pattern of behavior aimed at deceiving others, convincing them of something that does not really exist. The term is also used for a situation where a person demonstrates that he is above others, and points out to others their disadvantages

Humiliation - is it an action or a state? The meaning and features of the use of the word

Self-respect and self-esteem are important moral values for every person. In contrast, actions aimed at humiliation and humiliation are viewed as extremely negative, capable of destroying the connection of the individual with society in the future. Is there a difference between these two concepts? What is it?

How to learn Latin on your own in 5 steps?

Medics, lawyers, linguists and scientists from various fields in the process of obtaining education and work are faced with the need to master the Latin language. Despite the fact that he is called dead, he is the necessary base, without which successful advancement in a number of professions is impossible. How to learn Latin from scratch? Consider the process in stages

What is a "vault"? The meaning of the word, synonyms and phraseological units

Collection of laws, arcuate overlap, the sky and even a collection of habits can be characterized by the word "code". It will have the same or different meaning in every context. Knowing several options will greatly expand the speaker's vocabulary. What is a "code", what are the main alternatives for the meaning, use of the word?

A handful is a lot or a little?

Take a handful of this, that, and a handful of that too. Mix it all up and you'll end up with something. And a handful is how much in general? And can everything be measured in handfuls or is it an individual value?

The lexical meaning of the word "peace" today and in the past. Origin of this noun

The noun "world" is one of the most used in modern speech. This is facilitated by the fact that it has not one, but several meanings at once. Let's get to know them, and also consider the etymology of this term

Who knows what to rein in is

A rich vocabulary is what distinguishes an educated, well-read person. Such a person uses many epithets, metaphors, comparisons, hyperbole and other literary devices in his speech. In addition to all this, eloquence involves the use of not only primitive words, but also those that are rarely found in everyday life

Riders - what is it? The meaning of the word "rider"

Rider is a multifaceted concept. Motorcyclist, rider, lawn mower, car enthusiast, home trainer and art manager - each of them is somehow connected with the word "rider"

Trembling - how is it? Origin, meaning, synonyms and sentences

Edmund Shklyarsky, the leader of the Picnic group, has these lines: "We are like quivering birds, we are like candles in the wind." Today we will be interested not so much in the adjective as in the adverb, but experience suggests that a conversation cannot do without an adjective. Let's explain, reverently - what is it

Fawning is what it is: interpretation

What does the word "fawn" mean? In what situations does it apply? The article presents the interpretation of the word "crouch". Synonyms are also provided to help eliminate repetition and make speech richer. Usage examples provided

Worship is what it is: interpretation

What does the word "worship" refer to? What is the interpretation of this speech unit? When can it be used in speech? The article tells about the word "idolize": its interpretation, synonyms. For better assimilation of information, examples of sentences are given

What is Mshara: Interpretation

What does the word "mshara" mean? What is the interpretation of this word? When is it appropriate to use it in speech? This article describes the interpretation of the word "mshara". Examples of use are given to consolidate the information received

"To captivity": the meaning of the word, examples of use

What does the word "bondage" mean? In what situations should it be used in speech? The article is devoted to the word "bondage". Its interpretation is presented. To consolidate the information, examples of the use of this word are given

What does "Fartu suit AUE" mean? When should you sound the alarm?

If you are interested in this article, then you probably recently heard from someone or read somewhere the sensational phrase "fortunate suit aue". How did this expression migrate from the prison environment to ordinary life and become so widespread among teenagers? When is it worth sounding the alarm and what can such a fashion turn into in the future?

Interpretation of the word: what is "ailment"

Do you like being sick? Someone probably likes not to go to work, lie under a warm blanket and drink warm tea. Someone is not happy with the forced inactivity and is trying with all his might to return to duty as soon as possible. In a word, one likes the disease, while others do not like it at all. This article explains what a "disease" is. The lexical meaning of the word is indicated. To consolidate the information, you can not do without example sentences

Theoretical grammar of the English language: authors, books, textbooks, basics and analysis

Theoretical grammar of the English language is an analysis of the state of modern problems, bringing the principles of the methodological concept of the modern English language. The main distinction that occupies a central place in the problems of modern English linguistics is the distinction between language and speech, where not only the theoretical grammar of the English language appears. Both Russian and English apply to this

Who is this prankster? Word meaning, synonyms, associations

Who is this prankster. In this article, we will learn about what words are adjacent to this masculine noun, in what areas it is used, what it is associated with, what synonyms it has. Consider also the words that rhyme with it. Let's briefly talk about the films in the titles of which this wonderful word is present

English in the Philippines: addresses of schools, selection of the best courses, quality of education, reviews and recommendations

Do you want to learn or improve your English, and for this purpose do you want to go abroad? Wait thinking about Europe or America, consider schools in the Philippines as an option for teaching English. We assure you - you will not be disappointed

Clarity is what it is: interpretation

What does the word "clairvoyance" mean? In what speech situations is it used? The article presents the interpretation of this word. Synonyms of the word, etymology, examples of its use are also indicated for better consolidation of information

What does it mean to be known: interpretation, synonyms

What does it mean to be "reputed"? In what situations is this word used? The article provides an interpretation. Defined part of speech. Also given are synonyms and synonymous phrases of this word, which have a similar lexical meaning

Unknown - what is it: the meaning of the word, synonyms, example sentences

What does the word "unknown" mean? What synonyms can be found for this language unit? What is the interpretation of the word? The article tells about the word "unknown", its lexical meaning, synonyms. Examples of the use of this word are also given

"Daring": a synonym for the word

What does the word "daring" mean? What synonyms can be chosen for it so that there are no repetitions in the text? This article talks about the word "daring". Determine what part of speech it is. Various synonyms for this word are also selected

Circumstance, predicate, subject, circumstance, object and definition - what is it?

Subject, predicate, circumstance, object, definition - all these are members of the sentence, its grammatically significant parts. You need to be able to find them in order not only to understand the meaning of what was said, but also to competently build your own speech. In this article, we will talk about the various members of sentences and how to learn to distinguish them from each other

Dezabille - what is it? The meaning and origin of the word

Sometimes in the works of classical literature one can come across a mysterious concept, hardly used in modern language - dezabille. What it is? What does this term mean? Let's try to solve this issue

What is a bench: meaning, origin, synonyms

In our age of information, any fickle entity changes very quickly, and the Russian language is no exception. Jargon and neologisms appear almost every day. In order to remain a modern person and speak the same language with young people, it is necessary to constantly update your vocabulary. One of the newfangled words that can often be heard in youth slang is the word "bench". In this article, we will try to answer the question, what is a bench?

Is lamenting a problem or a habit?

You often lament that you don't have enough money, the world is bad and it's sometimes hard to live in the world, you are lonely and not loved. You lament that no one understands you, and you start to fear the future and hate your present. But you need to know that the habit of lamenting is a destructive habit. And first of all for you

What is "omnomous" - the secrets of the edible word

English colloquial expressions have firmly settled into our Russian language. We often call and describe things and feelings in our own words, but in fact we quote an American phrase. "Omnnom" is one of the delicious words, the meaning of which is clear to every Sweet Tooth and Lover of food

Nihongo Noreku Shiken Levels

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT or Nihongo noreku shiken) has been offered by the local foundation, educational exchanges and services of this country (former International Education Association) since 1984. It is considered the most reliable means of assessing and certifying the level of knowledge for those who are not native speakers. It is also the world's largest Japanese language test

What is "face": the interpretation of the word

What does the word "face" mean? What part of speech does it belong to? The article presents the interpretation of the word "face". The part of speech is determined, as well as the lexical meaning of this word, etymology. To consolidate the material, examples of sentences are given

Sedan chair - what is it: the meaning of the word

What does the word "seat chair" mean? In what speech situations is it appropriate to use it? Is it native Russian or borrowed? The article tells about the interpretation of the word "seat chair". Its etymology is indicated. Examples of the use of this word are given

What is an item: concept, definition, word meanings and synonyms

What is an item? Typically, a word is associated with either a destination or an item in a list numbering. However, this term has a very large number of interpretations. The article will discuss this concept in detail

Swearing is an uncultured habit: the interpretation of the word

What does the word "boast" mean? In what situations is it appropriate to use it? The article tells about the meaning of the word "swagger". Etymology, part of speech, synonyms are indicated. To consolidate the material, examples of sentences with this word are given

What is IELTS: concept, grading scale, level of English proficiency and mock tests

What is IELTS? This is an international English language testing system. It is jointly managed by the British Council and the Cambridge Assessment. The system was created in 1989. It is considered one of the key English language tests in the world

"Nature" is what it is: the meaning of the word

What is "nature"? When should this word be used? Can it be replaced with synonyms? What shades of meaning does this language unit have. The article describes the interpretation of the word "nature". Example sentences are given, as well as synonyms

"Promise" - what is it: the interpretation of the word

What does the word "promise" mean? What is its interpretation? For what speech situations is the word suitable? The article tells about the noun "promise". Its lexical meaning is indicated. Etymology is mentioned, synonyms are given, as well as examples of sentences

Antonyms to the word "smart": a selection of terms that are opposite in meaning

Sometimes you need to find an antonym for a particular word. For example, "beautiful" - "ugly", "cheap -" expensive "," bold - "fearful". What are antonyms for the word "smart"? This article will describe all suitable options

Grieving is a sad word

What does the word "grief" mean? What part of speech does it belong to? How did it appear in Russian? In what speech situations is it appropriate to use it? The article tells about the interpretation of the word, its etymology, synonyms. Examples of use are given