Languages 2024, September

How to distinguish an adjective from a participle? Practical Tips

How to distinguish an adjective from a participle? This question must have been asked by every student. Knowing some tricks, you can do it very easily and quickly

Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses: subtleties, scheme, options

Parallel subordination of subordinate parts of a complex sentence is one of the types of subordination. Determining this type is quite difficult, but knowing some tricks, you can do everything quickly

Preparing for exams and the exam: how to do morphological analysis of the word? Universal memo

How to do morphological parsing of a word? If all the information on this topic has turned into a real mess in your head, don't be discouraged. For almost 80% of students, the morphological analysis of words remains a "weak point". Just add this memo to your bookmarks, and the plan you need will always be at hand

Adjunction, control, coordination - types of subordination

Adjunction, control, agreement - these are the types of subordination of words in a sentence. Determining this type is not at all difficult, you just need to learn one rule

How many words are there in English? How many words are in spoken English?

English is rightfully considered international. In many countries of the world, it is vital and increases the chances of career advancement. This article will answer the question of how many words are in English and how many you need to know for fluency in the language

What is a complex sentence: explanation, types and examples

What is a complex sentence? The answer to this question can be found in Russian language textbooks, however, in order not to search, you can look at this article, where there are all the answers

How to pronounce English words correctly?

The article discusses the most striking and interesting rules for the pronunciation of English sounds, the arrangement of intonations. An assessment of the melody of the English language is given. This article will not give a complete answer to the question of how to pronounce English words correctly, but it will help make phonetics classes fun

List of the most common verbs in English

How are verbs divided in English? What verbs are most commonly used? Regular and irregular verbs. The most common English verbs, all the nuances and exceptions. Differences between the two languages. Interesting Facts

What is vocabulary and what is it like?

Language can be compared to a constructor, in which the smallest details form larger ones, and those in turn form complex and thoughtful designs. The smallest "cubes" or bricks are sounds and letters that display phonemes in writing. It is from them that words are formed, which then form phrases, sentences, text

Reduction - what is it? Term meaning

Reduction is perceived as a reduction, reduction, simplification and reduction of something more complex, cumbersome and systemic to something simpler, understandable and easily explainable. This is the key idea behind the popularity of the term "reduction" in so many unrelated sciences. Qualitative reduction wanders from science to science, making each of them simpler and more understandable for both professional scientists and ordinary people

How to learn to read English from scratch on your own?

English is the most spoken language in the world. It is also in the top five easiest to learn. In addition to simple grammar, it is also distinguished by the incredible beauty of sound. How to quickly learn to read English on your own, we will discuss today

"Mobile" is a polysemantic word

What is niello? How many meanings does this word have? When should you use the noun "black"? The article tells about the interpretation of this word. All its lexical meanings are indicated, examples of sentences are given and stylistic features are indicated

Through a hyphen, separately, together? How do you spell "classmates"?

Many everyday words cause considerable difficulties in writing. Even if they are directly related to the educational process. It can be difficult to understand how to spell "classmates", "classmates" and "classmates", although all three words obey the same rules. To avoid mistakes, it is enough to study the meaning of the term, the situations in which it would be appropriate

Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes: rules, examples. Verbs of the first conjugation

The article talks about the rules that are used when using verbs and participles. The article describes mistakes that are often made in verbs and participles

Stress in English: features, rules and recommendations

The article talks about the rules of English stress, its types, functions and meaning. The article also contains a sufficient number of examples for a more complete understanding of this topic

The carpet is one of the human inventions. Meaning, history

Carpet - what is it? This word has several meanings. One of them is related to the decoration and insulation of the home. This is one of the oldest human inventions, which is related to both the nomad's yurt and the nobleman's palace. For many centuries, the carpet has not only symbolized prosperity, but has also been an object of art, since its production is a long and painstaking work by hand

"I love you" in different languages. "I love you" in Arabic

Love is a bright and powerful feeling. When it comes to confessions, you want to be original, so that it is your “I love” that stands out from the rest that your partner has heard before. The word is a powerful weapon in the hands, or rather, the lips of a skilled person. For people who are not afraid to be creative in confessions, below is the phrase: "I love you" in different languages of the world

Do you know what peace is?

Almost everyone knows the lines of Alexander Blok: "… And the eternal battle! We only dream of peace through blood and dust… The steppe mare flies, flies and crushes the feather grass…" What is peace? Does this word have many meanings? How is it spelled correctly? Does it have synonyms and antonyms?

Skobar is an offensive word or not? Inhabitants of the Pskov province

Surprisingly, the attitude to the word "staple" is more than ambiguous. In most cases, it is applied to residents of the Pskov region. Some consider it humiliating, while others are proud of such a self-name. The whole snag is in the origin of this word. There are different versions of why Pskovians are skobari

What is speech intonation?

Bernard Shaw once said a wonderful thing: “There are 50 ways to say yes, as many ways to say no. But there's only one way to write it down." This is about intonation. After all, with its help you can not only express a thought, but also convey your attitude to what was said. What is intonation? Why is it so necessary?

"Not a lot" or "a little" - how to make the right choice when writing?

In writing, the question often arises of the correct use of the words "not much" and "a little". The article discusses the basic rules governing all cases of continuous and separate spelling of the particle "not" with the adverb "many". To illustrate the theoretical part, the most commonly used practical cases are used as examples

"See you" or "see you" - write correctly

Dealing with the spelling of some words containing unstressed unchecked vowels can be difficult. Despite the fact that "see you" is a commonly used word, every time you write it, someone asks: "What is the correct spelling: "see you" or "see you"?

Does the meaning of the word "scum" allow us to consider the word abusive?

The word "scum" can be viewed from several positions - from the standpoint of its origin, traditional meanings in explanatory dictionaries, usage in speech - colloquial and literary. After studying the detailed information about the origin, interpretation and features of the use of the word "scum", the reader will find out whether this word can be considered abusive

Homophone - what is this word? Examples of homophones in Russian

In the article we will analyze the definition of the concept of "homophone", give examples of all types of this phonetic phenomenon, talk about the origin of this word, touch on similar concepts and talk about homophones in other languages

Wicked - what is it? The meaning of the word "evil" and its synonyms

If someone asks: "Wicked - what is it?" No one will be surprised, because the language is changing. Old words do not say that they die, but are moved to the archive of the language. They are replaced by others. But sometimes people, for various reasons, still need to know the meaning of some. Today we will talk about the "evil one". Let's give examples, talk about synonyms

Do you know the meaning of the word "azure"?

Do you know the meaning of the word "azure"? What does this beautiful adjective, beloved by many poets, mean? Azure sky, azure waves, azure eyes, azure waters of the sea … It seems that this word conveys some of the shades of blue or blue. And what do you think?

Splash - what is it? Meaning, synonyms, examples

Modernity gives us many wonderful words. Or rather: sometimes reality saturates familiar words with new meanings. Let's consider today the question of what a plop - what is it

What is "pious"? Pious is

The pious is modest, meek, able to avoid temptations. The word is often found in ancient literature. In the Bible it has a fairly broad meaning. What does pious mean?

What is the corps de ballet in the theater

The overall impression of the performance depends on the skill and coherence of the corps de ballet dancers. No matter how brilliant the performers of the main roles are, you cannot put on a performance without a good corps de ballet

Transcription made easy

Transcription is one of the most effective and easiest ways to learn the sound of a word. The author of the article talks about the basic rules and nuances of practical transcription and gives some useful tips for more effective learning of foreign languages

Katavasia - what is it? Origin, meaning, synonyms and interpretation

When we hear "katavasia", it evokes various associations. For example, knowing what this word is, we mean: it is probably Russian and appeared in ancient times in the villages, when people watched the cat Vaska chase mice. This is where the "catastrophe" came in. Is it so? No. How it really happened, the one who reads the information below will find out

Sentences with the word "lesson" in different meanings

How to make sentences with the word "lesson" in the lesson so as not to distort its meaning? How many meanings does this noun have?

What is "oppression" and who will bend it?

There are words that are either nouns or verbs, so it is possible to determine the part of speech only in context

Monkey: figurative meaning and literal meaning

Only can a monkey be called the word "monkey"? The figurative meaning is used at least as often as the main one

Sentences with the word "charity" and other exercises

Readers are presented with several exercises to develop speech and fix the spelling of the word "charity"

Petrikor - what is it? Meaning

What an unusual word "petrikor"! How rare it is! You can hardly hear it when you go for a walk in sunny weather. And in general, in everyday life it is used extremely rarely. And the person who uses it in his speech is most likely a great scholar and has a rich vocabulary. What does petrikor mean?

Modal verbs has to in English (with examples)

The speaker uses ‘have to’ when he realizes the need for some action and thus connects the subject with the rest of the predicate. In the present tense with the singular of the third person (he, she, it), ‘have’, respectively, changes to ‘has’, and in the past it turns into ‘had’

"Moreover", "first of all": is a comma put or not? Punctuation rules: when commas are needed

“In that case”, “besides this”, “first of all” - a comma is placed in sentences in a number of cases, but many do not know how to put it correctly

Concretization - what is it? Meaning, interpretation of the word

Most of the long words in Russian, the meanings of which can be quite difficult to figure out, came to us from other languages. In order not to be considered ignorant, one sometimes has to look for the origin of a word and find out its direct meaning, because in the modern world, most words have long lost their fundamental meaning and are used in a different context. For example, "specification". This word is understandable to any modern person, but what was the meaning of it initially and how to describe its meaning?

The origin of the word "thank you", its history and possible meanings

From an early age, a child knows that there is such a magic word - "thank you". Every polite person thanks someone every day using this term. However, some believers are militantly related to this word. It is believed that it came into the world from a demon and it is better not to use it in speech. Let's try together to understand the history of the origin of the polite "thank you"