Secondary education and schools 2024, September

Interesting facts about the letter "O": what do we know about it?

We are accustomed to taking the letters of the alphabet for granted, accompanying us all the time. Perhaps we could no longer do without them, because, in fact, this is the only way to record and transmit information. The article contains interesting facts known to us about the letter "O". A bit of history, prevalence in the alphabets of various peoples, spelling options

Population of Odessa: size and composition

What is the population of Odessa today? What nationalities settled in South Palmyra, how do they live here? This is our article

Saint Lawrence Island: description, coordinates, photo

St. Lawrence Island - a territory that belongs to Alaska (USA) and is located in the Bering Strait. It is named after the saint, although the Eskimos originally called the island Sivukak

Cities of Austria. Beautiful cities of Austria

Every year the cities of Austria attract millions of visitors from all over the world. People come here to ski, shop on the famous Viennese shopping street, or simply experience a new culture and world attractions

Geographic location of the tundra. Features of the geographical location of the tundra

Tundra covers the northern part of Russia and Canada. Its nature is rather scarce, and the climate is considered harsh. Because of these characteristics, it received another name - the arctic desert

Peruvian current. Features and related phenomena

The Peru Current is a shallow current in the Pacific Ocean. In this article, you will learn about its features, as well as the phenomena that accompany it

Mountains of Asia: the greatest heights of planet Earth

Continental Asia is the dream of climbers all over the world. Almost all of its territory consists of mountains and plateaus. Here are the highest mountain systems of the planet. The mountains of Asia excite the imagination and attract attention. I would like to talk about them a little more

What is a thunderstorm? Hazard definition and precautions

What is a thunderstorm? Determining its power is the most important task for modern weather forecasters. Everything you need to know about thunderstorms for children and adults, including how to avoid the adverse effects of this phenomenon, further in the article

What is the climate of Canada like?

Canada is a large country in the north of the American continent. Due to its size, it, like Russia, has several climatic zones. This country is washed by the waters of two oceans. It stretches for five thousand kilometers from north to south and six and a half from east to west. In addition, the relief is also changing: the plains give way to mountains. Therefore, the weather in the central part and on the coast is usually very different

What is the climate like in Japan? What moderates Japan's climate?

Japan is a beautiful country, many even call it fabulous. Ancient traditions and culture, fantastic landscapes… The climate in Japan is also peculiar. Thanks to the latter, this country is different from the rest of the world

When and how the Earth was formed

The question of how the Earth was formed has troubled the minds of scientists for many millennia. There were and are many versions - from purely theological to modern, formed on the basis of data from deep space research. But since no one happened to be present during the formation of our planet, it remains to rely only on indirect "evidence"

Who knows how many satellites Mars has?

Mars is a solid terrestrial planet of small diameter (only 7,000 km), which is given a red color by an abundance of iron. It was named after the ancient Roman god of war. This cosmic body is similar to the Earth in terms of changing seasons

Do you know the name of the first woman to fly into space?

The history of the space age is less than a century away. But during this time there were many significant events. And ahead of us, no doubt, grandiose discoveries and interplanetary flights are still waiting. But even in a hundred years, people will remember the name of the first man who flew around the Earth, and the name of the first woman who flew into space

Diversity of plants. What is the species diversity of plants

Looking out the window or walking down the street, you can endlessly admire the beauty of the surrounding nature. And all this beauty is mainly made up of plants. So diverse, bright, lively and juicy, they simply beckon to touch them, enjoy their aroma and admire their magnificence to their heart's content

Tin chemical element. Properties and uses of tin

Tin as a chemical element and individual substance, structure and properties. Alloys and compounds of tin. Application and brief historical background

Modern Indo-Europeans - who are they?

In this article we will pay attention to the Indo-Europeans - the historical roots of the Slavs, as well as the ancestors of other peoples, who presumably originated from the territory of the northern Black Sea region and the interfluve of the Volga and Dnieper

Large cities of Ukraine by population: top five

Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe. It is located in the east. This is what largely affects its climate, temperate continental. Mostly the prevailing relief is flat, but in some places there are hilly areas. But mountain systems in Ukraine are rare, they occupy only 5% of the entire area of the country. All this testifies to favorable conditions for living. There are more than 40 million people in the state

Black Sea coastline: description and features

Is the coastline of the Black Sea indented or not, what is it, what features does it have? This question is often asked by students. Let's try together to understand the features of this reservoir and, of course, find answers to the questions posed

The origin of human races. Main and mixed races, their similarities and differences

The problem of the origin of human races, their history has long interested people. Ordinary inhabitants were curious how one could explain such a difference in the appearance of individuals living in different parts of the world. Scientists, of course, tried to find a scientific explanation for this fact. The most popular hypotheses of the origin of human races will be discussed in this article

Schools in the US: American grades, school uniforms, choice of subjects

In Russia and other post-Soviet countries, there is a very ambiguous attitude towards the American system of secondary education: some believe that it is in many ways superior to the Russian one, while others are sure that US schools have many shortcomings and criticize the American grading system, the lack of school uniforms and other distinguishing features

What is DNA replication? DNA replication process

A DNA molecule is a structure found on a chromosome. One chromosome contains one such molecule consisting of two strands. DNA reduplication is the transfer of information after self-reproduction of threads from one molecule to another. It is inherent in both DNA and RNA. This article discusses the process of DNA replication

Illness is The meaning of the word

What does the Russian word "ailment" mean, how to use it correctly - this is detailed in this article. The concept of "gray disease" will also be described. Symptoms of "grey sickness", and what kind of disease it is - the opinions of dermatologists

Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Composition based on Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"

The work "The Captain's Daughter", written by the great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, is known to everyone who graduated from school. The historical background of the story, fueled by the rich imagination of the author, has always attracted the interest of readers. Let's talk about how Grinev ended up in the Belogorsk fortress. The composition and its plan - further in the article

Romanticism and realism are more than trends in literature

Romanticism and realism…What is so special about these currents? What age is called "golden" in literature and why? All these questions are answered in the article

Noun cases: the meaning and general characteristics of each form

In modern Russian, cases of nouns serve to express the nature of the relationship of these words with other members of the sentence, as well as their syntactic role. In total, 6 case forms are distinguished, which can have a prepositional or non-prepositional form (except for the nominative and prepositional cases). But first things first

Country Wales is part of the UK

In the 18th century, Wales becomes the center of the industrial revolution. The largest deposits of iron ore, coal, and tin were discovered on the territory of the country. During this period, more and more workers come here and become permanent residents of the country. The city of Cardiff has always been an important port, and in 1955 it receives the status of the capital

Zonda trench - the place where the deadly tsunami originated

If you are interested in geography, you will be interested to know where the Sunda Trench is located. It is also called the Java Trench and is considered one of the deepest on the planet. Mass death of more than 200 thousand people is connected with the gutter

ASKUE - what is it? ASKUE system and its main features

One of the key challenges for the industrial structure today is an efficient energy supply, which would allow to maintain an optimal degree of competitiveness, subject to the continuous increase in energy prices. It is impossible to competently implement measures related to efficient energy supply if the organization does not provide accurate accounting of electricity consumption. Installation of ASKUE is the most important step on this difficult path

Sea of Crete: description, list and interesting facts

Will schoolchildren be able to answer the question, what seas are in Crete? Most likely, many people know only about the Mediterranean. But is it? If you look at the geographical map, it becomes clear that this statement is absolutely true. Yes, indeed, the island is located in the Mediterranean Sea. But after all, it is washed by other water areas, which are not even always displayed on maps. What are the seas of Crete? That is what we are about to find out

The main features of the literary language

Literary language is a non-dialectal form of existence (subsystem) of the national language, characterized by the following features: codification, normativity, stylistic differentiation, multifunctionality, as well as high prestige in society, among its speakers

Canberra is the capital of Australia. Attractions in Canberra

Canberra received the official status of the capital of Australia in 1927. The city was designed and built to achieve a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne in the struggle for the right to be called the main administrative center of the country. Today, all the political power of the state is concentrated here

Mount Blanc - the tourist center of the Alps and Western Europe

Mont Blanc is located right on the border of France and Italy. Inside it was built a tunnel with a length of eleven and a half kilometers. Through it, communication is carried out between these two states

Let's understand what a country is

Each of us lives on a certain piece of land, but few people seriously wondered what a country is, what it is characterized by and what factors describe it. Many people confuse this concept with the definition of "state", someone has no idea at all what this term means

Maral is an animal from the deer family. Description of maral

Maral is an animal of Altai, one of the most amazing creatures of nature. The blood of this magnificent representative of ungulates has long been used by man for treatment. Its unique properties are not repeated in any other living being, for which they are valued all over the world

Daily morning exercises in kindergarten

Morning exercises in kindergarten give joy, vivacity, he alth for a very busy children's day. Music plus kindness plus the imagination of a teacher or sports leader will instill a love of physical exercise from a very young age to any child

Mathematics: operations with fractions. Operations with decimals and common fractions

Fractions are numbers consisting of an integer part and fractions of one. Just like integers, there are an infinite number of fractional numbers between two integers. In mathematics, operations with fractions are performed, as with integers and natural numbers. It's quite simple and you can learn it in a couple of lessons

Linear and homogeneous differential equations of the first order. Solution examples

What are first-order homogeneous and linear differential equations? How to solve them and why are they needed? Simple examples with solutions

Student rights at school (RF). Rights and obligations of teacher and student

Already in the first grade, parents and the class teacher should explain the rights and obligations of the student at school. Their observance will make their school life prosperous and benevolent

How to write an essay in literature: structure and plan

The word "essay" in Russian came from French. It goes back historically to one Latin concept, which means "weighing" in translation. The French term is translated by the words "essay", "sketch", "attempt", "trial", "experiment". In this article, we will tell you about how to write an essay in literature

The image of Platon Karataev in the novel "War and Peace"

Let's consider the image of Platon Karataev from the work "War and Peace". This novel can be called a broad historical canvas. Its main character is the people. The composition of the novel is quite complex. It has many different storylines that often intertwine, intersect