Colleges and universities 2024, December

Social crisis: causes, levels and consequences

Crisis is associated with undesirable events caused by human or natural causes, which entail severe emotional trauma and material damage at the individual, institutional and social levels. The crisis itself is the deterioration of human, economic, political, social and human relations and systems. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Main categories of statistics, subject and methods

Statistics is a science that, using probability calculations, studies collective phenomena and processes (social, natural, etc.) in quantitative terms, in order to study and describe these phenomena and processes, as well as to discover their regularities. manifestations. Having become familiar with the main categories and methods of statistics as a science, you can understand how it works. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Simplification - what is it?

Standardization, unification and simplification are aimed at simplifying the process of systemic representation of activities. Simplification is a form of standardization and unification. Thanks to it, the process is simplified based on the removal or exclusion of certain elements, without which the system will become more cost-effective and open to further improvement. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

External management is Purpose, structure and process

The company keeps afloat and is economically viable thanks to the correct actions of the manager, but when the plan drawn up by him does not bring the desired result and the organization is on the verge of bankruptcy, it becomes possible to introduce external management with a new manager who takes standard actions aimed at to restore the solvency of the enterprise. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

System analysis: basics of system analysis, textbooks and their authors

Systems analysis, relatively recently formed as a separate discipline, began to be applied in almost all spheres of life. To solve the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to draw up a plan for solving it, using system analysis, as well as its principles. To understand this process and its effectiveness, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the relevant literature. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Education system in the Republic of Belarus: pre-school, secondary, higher, main universities

Description of the education system in the Republic of Belarus: preschool kindergartens, schools, vocational schools, colleges and higher educational institutions. How the country treats special education and how much they try to integrate the education of children with special needs into the standard system. What are the standards of education in the country and what is its structure and potential. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Gubkin University of Oil and Gas is a springboard to a brighter future

University of Oil and Gas (NRU) them. I. M. Gubkina is the main forge of personnel for the oil and gas industry in Russia. When was the university founded and by whom? Who is Gubkin Ivan Mikhailovich? What faculties are functioning at the university today?. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Deflation - good or bad? Causes and consequences

What is deflation? What are the causes of its occurrence and what consequences should be expected? To what extent is this process more serious than inflation? What to do if there are prerequisites for a decrease in the amount of money in circulation? Let's talk about everything step by step. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

The best US universities: list, ranking

Authoritative educational journals rank the best universities every year, and the United States, with its educational institutions, occupies a leading position. We will try to summarize this information and make our rating of the most-most. We also take into account the opinion of Russian teachers regarding a particular university. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Omsk flight school of civil aviation. Admission and training

If your child dreamed of becoming a pilot as a child and has not changed his desire with age, then the road leads him to one of the strongest educational institutions in Russia. We are talking about the Omsk Flight School of Civil Aviation named after A. V. Lyapidevsky. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

GBPOU "South Ural Multidisciplinary College" (SUMK): address, speci alties

Choosing an educational institution is a dilemma for many high school graduates on the threshold of adulthood. For some, the first step will be going to college. This is a kind of test of freedom, when you yourself will need to be conscious in obtaining knowledge. Teachers of the South Ural Multidisciplinary College of Chelyabinsk are unlikely to babysit individual students, monitor their affairs, their attitude to learning. SSUZ teachers are more likely to become curators of student groups. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

National Seoul University: description, speci alties, documents for admission and reviews

National Seoul University is the most popular in the state. Often on the Internet you can see its other name - SNU. It should be noted that education in it is much cheaper than in other educational institutions in Korea. The article will describe all the nuances of this university. What documents need to be submitted, what speci alties are offered here, and how much the training costs - all this is described below. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Where do they teach to be a cynologist in Russia?

Cynologist is an excellent speci alty. If a person loves dogs, understands them, knows the basics of the physiology and psychology of these animals, he is quite capable of getting the speci alty of a cynologist and linking his life with it. Where to go to study? What is needed for that? Let's talk more. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

MPGU, former Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin: history, address. Moscow Pedagogical State University

Moscow State Pedagogical University traces its history back to Guernier's Moscow Higher Women's Courses, founded in 1872. The first graduates were only a few dozen, and by 1918 the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute became the second largest university in Russia. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Architecture is a speci alty at the intersection of science and art

This article will help a student embarking on the path of student life to understand some of the features of architectural education, including what are the creative tests that the university conducts. The speci alty "architecture" as a training program: what awaits the applicant upon admission?. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Controlled delivery - what is it in operational-search activity?

For a long time there was no such thing as a controlled delivery in the Russian Federation, and before that in the Soviet Union. In many ways, it was included in the list of events for law enforcement officers of the Russian Federation thanks to the Vienna Convention. The document was developed with the aim of regulating a single form of interaction between the intelligence services of different countries to solve crimes in which several countries can be involved at the same time. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Reviews: MGUPP. Moscow State University of Food Production

If you wanted to know everything about the current situation within the walls of the Moscow State University of Food Production, you have such an opportunity. The given facts are also supported by real students' feedback about MGUPP: what do they think?. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

List of universities in Sochi

Among the universities in Sochi there are many branches of Moscow universities. However, Sochi State University is also open in the city, which offers a fairly wide variety of educational programs for undergraduate and graduate programs. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Secondary vocational education: vocational school, college, technical school

The structure of secondary vocational education today plays a crucial role in the issue of training highly qualified workers. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Cheboksary universities: top 10 ranking institutions

This article discusses the main universities of Cheboksary. They will be given a brief description of the direction of their activities. Such an article will undoubtedly be useful to high school students, applicants and their parents, students, as well as those who intend to get a second (or subsequent) higher education and learn more about Cheboksary universities. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

What you need to pass for a programmer or All about learning to be a programmer

The profession of a programmer is extremely popular among modern applicants. But only not everyone knows what is required to obtain the appropriate diploma. This article will talk about how to become a programmer, what to take for admission to a speci alty, where to study. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

The best universities in Kazakhstan

Before graduates always after graduation, the question arises: where to go, which university, technical school, college to go to? This topic of choice is no exception for the youth of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that earlier young people with great desire traveled to other states to receive diplomas, the current situation pleases with the fact that the universities of Kazakhstan are filled with national applicants. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

The concept of production costs. Features and Description

In the production process, in order to take into account the efficiency of the enterprise in the manufacture of goods or the provision of services, it is necessary to control the costs incurred. The main and most common indicator is the concept of production cost. By calculating the cost, you can determine how many costs were spent on the production process, and in accordance with this, determine the amount of markup necessary for the sale of products or the price of services rendered. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Methods of accounting for logistics costs

Logistics costs are the material costs necessary to cover the costs of transporting goods with goods or inventory. They also include other costs associated with man-hours. The latter include the salary of personnel who manage the logistics system and directly deliver goods from one point to another. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

What is public transport?

Under transport understand the totality of means and means of communication, facilities, passenger service terminals. As a type of economic activity, public and non-public transport is divided, performing the same function, but with characteristic specifics. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Education in the Czech Republic for Russian students: features and conditions

Modern Russian youth is very often looking for an answer to the question: "Why is education in the Czech Republic a good choice for Russians?". The high quality of education in this country is perhaps known all over the world. Since ancient times, it was the Czech Republic that was famous for the preparation of the most highly qualified specialists. Therefore, young people from all over Europe are trying to enter one of the universities of this country and get a diploma here. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems. Where are specialists trained?

Infocommunication systems and networks act as new sectors of the economy and are an important achievement of the information society. The comfort of living people depends on them. Infocommunication systems (ICS) are necessary for the transmission of protected information of various nature over accessible distances. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Technogenic risks: types, analysis, consequences

In recent decades, from television programs, news and the press, we have been learning more and more about more frequent disasters: car accidents, railway crashes, fires and malfunctions of aircraft (helicopters), as well as ships. Doesn't this mean that life in the world is becoming more and more difficult, and progress is being replaced by regression? As we move forward with progress, are we facing increasing risk? Can it be overcome and how to deal with it?. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

SSMU college is a good choice for future medical professionals

Razumovsky Medical College is considered a prestigious secondary educational institution. Hundreds of high-level specialists came out of the college walls. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Medical students: interesting facts

Medical students are a very special category of students. There are different stories about future doctors, but their life is full of difficulties. Read about what happens to medical students in the article. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Cherenkov radiation: description, basic concepts

Cherenkov radiation is an electromagnetic reaction that occurs when charged particles pass through a transparent medium at a speed greater than the same phase index of light in the same medium. The characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor is due to this interaction. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Process modeling: approaches, methods, stages

Process modeling is a movement of the same nature that is generalized into a prototype. Thus, this term describes development at the type level. The same process modeling is used repeatedly for application development. A large number of copies is of fundamental importance. One possible use of motion is to prescribe how things should or could be done. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Lambda calculus: description of the theorem, features, examples

Lambda calculus is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing abstraction-based calculations and applying functions using binding and variable substitution. This is a universal model that can be applied to the design of any Turing machine. The lambda calculus was first introduced by Cherem, a famous mathematician, in the 1930s. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Description of the Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University

The division of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov M.V., leading educational and research activities in the field of chemical sciences, is one of the oldest faculties. It combines the fundamental nature of education and the experience of introducing scientific areas into the learning process. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Interview method. Types, participants and principles of interviewing

Getting an interview is a procedure of personal communication between the person conducting the survey and the object from which information is needed in the framework of the study. There are several types of interviews and the process of obtaining them, as well as different methods of interviewing. Possible direct communication and indirect - this is the most basic classification of all methods. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Moralizing - what is it?

The concept of morality and moralizing is a rather controversial phenomenon for which there is no unambiguous answer and assessment. Nevertheless, in society there are certain dogmas that most people adhere to. This will be discussed in this article. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

What are detergents? Complex terms in simple words

Perhaps, once you came across such a thing as detergents, and wondered what it is. Now it's time to dispel all myths about these substances. This article will focus on them. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

Graduates of the 9th grade after colleges in Vologda become specialists

Vologda is a regional center with more than a hundred schools. Of course, the question arises of where to acquire professions for their graduates. Today we will consider the colleges of Vologda, after the 9th grade of the school picking up the baton of education of the still growing generation. Last modified: 2024-01-18 03:01

Employee motivation: purpose, types, methods and working tips

The issue of employee motivation is of interest to almost every businessman. The most successful of them are well aware that employees need to be encouraged and stimulated in every possible way. After all, there are not often people who are completely and completely satisfied with their position, which they, most likely, did not take by vocation. However, any leader can make the work process comfortable for the team, so that each person fulfills his duties with pleasure. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12

How to write a term paper? Detailed analysis

One of the main tasks of higher education institutions is to give their students the skills to work independently with sources and teach them to think independently. Therefore, at the end of each course, students write a term paper. The article will describe an example of how to write a term paper, with recommendations. These tips will help explain how to write a term paper. Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:12